Microsoft word - ap 3551 substance abuse and drug testing policy - athletics

Administrative Procedure 3551
Substance Abuse and
Drug Testing – Athletics
Reasons for Implementation Education – To educate student athletes about the problems associated with drug use. Detection of Abuse – To detect student athletes who may have drug problems and to prevent
the spread of use among the student population in general.
Treatment and Rehabilitation – To assist in the treatment and rehabilitation of student athletes
who test positive for drug use so that those students may once again safely and fully participate in academics, extra-curricular activities, and athletics at the District.
Discourage and Deter Drug Use – To discourage and deter the future use of drugs by imposing
significant sanctions on offenders.
Promote Safe Student Participation in Athletics – To provide reasonable safeguards assuring that
students are mentally and physically capable of engaging in athletic competition.
Overview of the Procedure
No student athlete may participate in an athletic program at the District without signing and
submitting the consent form (see Appendix A). Under no circumstances will ignorance of this
procedure constitute a defense to its enforcement.
For the purpose of this procedure, a student athlete is any student whose name appears on a team
roster, who is "red-shirted," or who is otherwise associated with a team or solo sport and/or is
involved in workouts or practices. Whether a sport is currently in or out of season is irrelevant to
this determination.
Drug Testing
A. Initial Screening
All student athletes will be subjected to urinalysis drug testing at the beginning of any athletic season. Any student athlete who receives a positive result during the initial screening will be subject to the sanctions of a First Time Offender pursuant to the Sanctions section of this policy.
B. Randomized Drug Testing
Throughout the year the District shall subject all student athletes (including athletes who participate in sports that are not currently in season) to unannounced, randomized urinalysis drug testing. At least once each semester, the District shall draw names from a "pool" containing the names of all student athletes. Under the supervision of two (2) school officials, a student athlete selected by his or her peers shall blindly draw fifteen (15) names for testing. The District reserves the right to increase the number of randomized tests administered in any given semester and the number of names drawn for testing at any time. In all cases, the District shall immediately notify student athletes of their selection and require them to undergo testing on that same day.
Board Policy 3351
Substance Abuse and Drug Testing – Athletics
C. Suspicion-Based Drug Testing
The District may subject any student athlete to urinalysis drug testing if it has a "reasonable suspicion" that the student is using drugs in violation of this procedure. "Reasonable suspicion" requires more than a "hunch" or "intuition"; it requires a specific event or occurrence that supports the District's belief that a student is using prohibited drugs. Any of the following shall be sufficient, without more, to constitute "reasonable suspicion":
1. Direct observation of drug use by a reliable informant; 2. Direct observation by a person or persons associated with the athletic department
(activity sponsor, coaches, athletic trainers, team physician, the Director of Athletics, the Director of Residential Living, the Chief Student Services Officer, etc.) of a student athlete's physical or mental deficiency, medically indicated symptomology of drug use, aberrant conduct, or unexplained absenteeism;
3. Evidence that leads to the common sense conclusion that a student athlete is using drugs
(e.g. significant changes in behavioral patterns, academic performance, athletic performance, atypical muscle gains, or atypical aggressive behavior);
4. Police or court determinations that a student athlete is using drugs; 5. Prior positive drug tests, regardless of whether the metabolite concentration for those
tests satisfied the threshold for sanctions under this procedure.
Banned Drugs Due to the constantly-evolving nature of performance enhancing and recreational drug compounds, it is impossible for the District to provide an all-inclusive list of banned drugs. Consequently, this procedure identifies banned drugs by class. Further, Appendix B to this procedure provides a list of some of the most commonly used banned drugs. The District bans the following classes of drugs:
1. Stimulants 2. Anabolic agents 3. Alcohol and beta blockers 4. Diuretics and other masking agents 5. Street drugs (marijuana, cocaine, heroin, peyote, ecstasy, etc.) 6. Peptide hormones and analogues 7. Anti-estrogens beta-2 agonists 8. Any substance chemically related to the foregoing classes of drugs
Please note that student athletes will be accountable for all drugs within the banned classes regardless of whether the District has specifically identified those drugs. WARNING: Before consuming any nutritional/dietary supplement product, student athletes should review the product and its label with the athletics department staff. Dietary supplements are poorly regulated and may contain substances not named on the label. Ultimately, student athletes are responsible for what they put into their bodies and they take dietary supplements at their own risk.
Board Policy 3351
Substance Abuse and Drug Testing – Athletics
Consent Form All student athletes shall read and complete the form entitled "Consent and Authorization Agreement" (see Appendix A). Student athletes must complete this form before they are allowed to practice, perform, or compete in intercollegiate contests. By signing this consent, student athletes subject themselves to an initial screening, the possibility of further random testing, or testing when reasonable cause exists. Methodology A. Prescription Medications
Upon implementation of this procedure or as soon thereafter as possible, student athletes shall supply the Head Athletic Trainer with the names of all prescription drugs that they are currently taking.
B. Collection of Urine Samples
1. A District official shall immediately and confidentially inform a student athlete that his
or her name has been drawn for testing. The student athlete is not entitled to any advanced notice of his or her test.
2. Student athletes shall enter an empty locker room accompanied by an adult monitor of
the same sex from the testing agency.
3. Male student athletes who are selected for testing shall produce their sample at a urinal,
remaining fully clothed with their back to the monitor, who shall stand approximately 12 to 15 feet behind the student.
4. Female student athletes who are selected for testing shall produce their sample in an
enclosed bathroom stall so that the monitor can hear but not observe the act of urination.
5. After the student athlete produces the sample, he/she shall give it to the monitor who
shall check its temperature and coloring for tampering.
6. The District shall strictly follow the procedures governing preparation, handling and
chain-of-custody of the sample, as set forth in Appendix C. Other than informing the student athlete of testing, the procedures for collection of urine samples will be carried out by the testing agency.
C. Confidentiality
The District shall limit testing to the detection of those substances enumerated in the Banned Drugs section of this procedure. The District shall not test for unrelated medical conditions. The District must take care not to expose the results of student athlete drug tests to people who do not require the information to carry out an official school function.
D. Testing Techniques
The testing agency shall screen each urine sample using the "enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique" ("EMIT"), but may employ other generally-approved methods as necessary.
Board Policy 3351
Substance Abuse and Drug Testing – Athletics
This procedure shall define a "positive" drug test result as one indicating urine concentration levels at or exceeding the levels that the NCAA has established in its annual Drug Testing Program publication. More specifically, a test is "positive" for caffeine if the concentration in urine exceeds 15 micrograms/ml, for marijuana or THC if the concentration in urine exceeds 15 nanograms/ml, and for testosterone if the administration of testosterone or use of any other substance has the result of increasing the ratio of testosterone to epitosterone in urine to greater than 6:1.
The District shall immediately inform a student athlete of his or her positive test results via a dated letter.
F. Evasive Tactics
1. If a student athlete fails to report for drug testing after receiving notification that he or
she has been selected, the District shall automatically designate him or her as an offender for the purpose of this procedure. Similarly, if a student athlete reports to the testing site but subsequently leaves the site without the permission of the drug-testing administrator, the District shall automatically designate him or her as an offender.
2. If the District suspects that a student athlete has manipulated his or her urine sample
(e.g., via dilution or urine substitution), the District shall have the authority to automatically test that student athlete at a later date. However, the District shall not execute more than two consecutive negative tests on this basis.
3. If the District has conclusive proof that a student athlete has manipulated his or her
urine sample, the District shall automatically designate him or her as an offender for the purpose of this procedure.
Sanctions A. First-Time Offender
The District will impose the following sanctions against first-time offenders:
1. The Director of Athletics, Head Athletic Trainer, Chief Student Services Office, and the
student athlete's coach shall be informed that the student athlete has tested positive.
2. If the student athlete tests positive and his or her sport is currently "in season" (defined
as the period spanning the first practice of the year to the last game of the year), the District shall immediately suspend that student athlete from practice and competition for seven (7) consecutive days, including a minimum of 10% of the games/meets/matches scheduled, or two (2) games/meets/matches, whichever is less. If the student athlete tests positive and his or her sport is currently out of season, the seven (7) day suspension shall begin six days prior to the first regularly scheduled game/meet/match. The District reserves the right to impose additional suspension time as it sees fit.
3. Within two (2) weeks of receiving his or her positive test results, the student athlete shall
meet with the Chief Student Services Officer for referral to Narcotics Anonymous (NA) or Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). The student athlete will be required to attend a minimum of four (4) meetings of NA or AA within thirty (30) days of the referral by the Chief Student Services Officer.
Board Policy 3351
Substance Abuse and Drug Testing – Athletics
4. Failure to attend the four (4) required meetings within thirty (30) days will result in
suspension from practice and competition until the student athlete attends four (4) meetings. Furthermore, if the four (4) meetings are not completed within forty five (45)days, the District will charge the student athlete with a second positive test result and shall submit him or her to the sanctions outlined in subsection B, Second-Time Offender.
5. After forty (40) days, the District shall submit the student athlete to a second drug test.
If the results reveal a decrease in the drug metabolite, the District will not impose any additional sanctions. If the test results reveal that the drug metabolite has remained stationary or increased, the District shall designate the student athlete as a second-time offender and shall impose upon him or her the sanctions outlined in subsection B, Second-Time Offender.
6. A student athlete may appeal his or her designation as a first-time offender by submitting
an appeal in writing to the Chief Student Services Officer. However, the student athlete must submit his or her appeal within five (5) days of learning his or her drug test results. The following are valid bases for an appeal:
i. To determine whether the testing agency conducted the drug test in a fair
ii. To consider new information sufficient to potentially alter the test result.
7. Sanctions imposed under this procedure shall remain in effect during the appeals process
unless otherwise directed by the President of the College.
B. Second-Time Offender
The District will impose the following sanctions against second-time offenders:
1. The Director of Athletics, Head Athletic Trainer, Chief Student Services Officer, and the
student athlete's coach shall be informed that the student athlete has tested positive for a second time.
2. The District shall immediately and permanently suspend the student athlete from further
participation in all athletic programs in the District.
3. A student athlete may appeal his or her designation as a second-time offender by
submitting an appeal in writing to the Chief Student Services Officer. A student athlete must submit his or her appeal within five (5) days of learning of his or her positive test results.
C. Drug-Related Convictions
A student athlete's conviction for the sale, purchase, transfer, or possession of drugs shall result in automatic, immediate, and permanent dismissal from his or her athletics program.
This procedure is subject to modification at any time. However, the District shall notify student
athletes of any and all changes prior to the date on which they take effect. Further, the District shall
not discipline any student athlete on the basis of retroactively-applied changes to this procedure.
Approved: 9/27/11
I understand that in order to participate in intercollegiate athletics the West Hills Community College District requires me to submit to mandatory drug testing pursuant to the rules and procedures set forth in the District's Substance Abuse and Drug Testing Procedure. Accordingly, I agree to supply a urine sample(s) as needed for the purpose of drug testing. I further agree and consent to the limited disclosure of my drug test results so that the District can properly determine my eligibility to participate in intercollegiate athletics. Witness my signature this _ day of _, 20 _.
Signature of Student Athlete
Parent or Guardian
Signature of Witness Date: _
Stimulants Amiphenazole Diethylpropion Nikethamide Amphetamine *Ephedrine
Bemigirde Dimethylamphetamine
Benzphetamine Doxapram
Bromantan Ethamivan Phenmetrazine Caffeine Ethylamphetamine
Cholphentermine Fencamfamine
Cocaine Meclofenoxate
Cropropamide Methamphetamine
Crothetamide Methylphenidate
* Please note that many common supplement products contain ephedrine. Anabolic Agents Androstenodine Methenolone Boldenone Methyltestosterone Clenbuterol Nandrolone Clostebol Norandrostenedione Dehydrochlormethyl-Testosterone Norethandrolone Dehydroepiandrosterone Oxandrolone Dromostanolone Oymesterone Fluoxymesterone Oxymetholone Mesterolone Stanozolol Methandienone Testosterone Diuretics Acetazolamide Ethacrynic
Bendroflumethiazide Flumethiazide
Benzthiazide Furosemide Spironolactone Bumetanide Hydrochlorothiazide
Chlorothiazide Methyclothiazide
Chlorthalidone Metolazone
Street Drugs Heroin *Marijuana THC (terahydrocannabinol) Peptide Hormones and Analogues Chorionic Gonadotrophon (HCG) Corticotrophin (ACTH) Growth Hormone (Somatrophin) All of the releasing factors of the above-mentioned substances are also banned.
Successful implementation of the Substance Abuse and Drug Testing Procedure
requires the District and the testing agency to accurately collect, label, and transport all
urine samples and keep all samples free from contamination. Accordingly, the District
and the testing agency shall take the following measures to ensure the integrity of
student samples:
1. A District official shall complete a test intake form that provides the testing
agency with the following information:
a. The subject's identification code b. The subject's sex c. The date and time of collection d. A list of the prescription drugs that the subject is currently taking
2. The student athlete shall:
a. Review and confirm all of the information on the test intake form. b. Seal the bottle containing his or her sample c. Write his or her anonymous identification code on a piece of security tape
and fasten the security tape to the bottle
d. Place his or her bottle into a specimen envelope and seal the envelope
with security tape
e. Place the envelope containing his or her sample into a shipping container f. Confirm that the shipping container is secure and that the testing agency's
address and label are clearly attached
Operating and Maintenance Manual © 2016, xCraft Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved Contents FCC Compliance This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: · This device may not cause harmful interference, and · This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: · Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. · Increase the distance between the equipment and receiver. · Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. · Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Modifications not authorized by the manufacturer may void the purchaser's authority to operate this device.
Phytochemistry 65 (2004) 865–873 Variation in pyrrolizidine alkaloid patterns of Senecio jacobaea Mirka Macel, Klaas Vrieling, Peter G.L. Klinkhamer Leiden University, Institute for Biology, Plant Ecology, PO Box 95162300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands Received 30 July 2003; accepted 10 February 2004 We studied the variation in pyrrolizidine alkaloid (PA) patterns of lab-grown vegetative plants of 11 European Senecio jacobaea