Glimpses of the Workshop
Today commercialization of agriculture is an inevitable reality throughout the
whole world. There are a number of factors affecting the commercialization process
in agriculture. Some of them could be named as rapid growth of economies in the
developing and developed countries, introducing of new technologies, market
expansion, market liberalization, urbanization, rapid increase of demand for food,
decreasing of farming population, liberalized and open economic policies, bilateral
and multilateral economic agreements and government agricultural policies. Commercialization in agriculture is not a new phenomenon and it is not a surprise
to the Nepalese farming community. It has been one of the main components of
agricultural development of Nepal since Agricultural Perspective Plan (1994/95-
2014/15). One of the prioritized outputs of APP is to promote high value crops. For
this it has prioritized different crops for different ecological zones of the country:
Terai, mid-hill and high-hills. Though APP has not focused coffee as one the high
value crops, the subsequent agricultural policies and strategies have paved the
way for the promotion of coffee as high value and exportable commodity. As Nepal is a mountainous country, coffee is the best suitable crop for mid-hills
which has multiple advantages: can be grown in the steep hill without much care
and has high premium price in niche markets. The ecological settings in the hills
provide Nepalese coffee a unique opportunity to enter international specialty
markets. It is grown in small family farms under shade with little or no external
inputs used.
Though small in amount, the coffee could be an important occupation in the rural
economics of Nepal with massive participation of marginalized, poor and down-
trodden class of the rural communities in its farming. Additionally, it could be an
important means for earning foreign currency and in maintaining a balance in the
Though the coffee industry has been growing fast, there are several problems. The
main problem is market. Because of limited quantity, Nepalese coffee has not been
able to influence in international market despite being unique in nature. Coffee
being relatively a new crop for Nepal, there has been limited research or study on
this crop. Resources are also lacking for certification of coffee as an organic product.
Similar is the problem in quality, processing and handling. The workshop was organized to develop an understanding among public sector,
non-governmental organization, private sector and donors regarding coffee sub-
sector, analyze opportunities and constraints and develop common understanding
for the development and promotion of Nepali coffee. I would like to thank representatives from the World Bank, Coffee and Tea
Development Section of DOA, Trade Promotion Center, Agro Enterprise Center,
National Tea and Coffee Development Board, Nepal Coffee Producers Association,
District Coffee Producers Association, Coffee Promotion Program of Helvetas Nepal
and professionals and practitioners dedicated to coffee sub-sector development
for making the workshop a success.
Yogendra Kumar Karki
Project for Agriculture Commercialization and Trade (PACT)
Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepal
Table of Contents
3.1 Importance of Coffee Sub-Sector Analysis
3.2 Present state of coffee production in
Nepal: Opportunities and Challenges
g]kfnL skmL] lgof{tsf ;+efjgf tyf r'gf}tL
3.4 Comments on "Export Potentials and
Constraints of Nepalese Coffee"
3.5 skmL If]qdf ;+nUg ;/f]sf/jfnfx? / o;sf] Joj;flos pTkfbgdf ltgsf] e"ldsf
3.6 Coffee Research and Development in Nepal
3.7 Comment on "Coffee Research and Development in Nepal"
3.8 Activities and achievements of COPP and
its present activities in support of the
commercialization of coffee sub-sector
Annex 1: Schedule of Coffee Sub-Sector Workshop
Annex 2: List of Participants
Annex 3: Presentation Materials
Asian Development Bank
Agro Enterprise Center
Coffee Promotion Program
Coffee and Tea Development Section
District Agriculture Development Office
District Coffee Producers' Association
Department of Food Technology and Quality Control
Department of Agriculture
Federation of Nepal Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Good Agriculture Practices
Good Manufacturing Practices
Government of Nepal
Highland Coffee Promotion Company Limited
International Coffee Organization
International Federation for Organic Agriculture Movement
Ministry of Agriculture Development
Nepal Agriculture Research Council
Nepal Coffee Producers' Association
Nepal Organic Coffee Products
National Tea & Coffee Development Board
Project for Agriculture Commercialization and Trade
Terms of References
Village Development Committee
1.1 The Workshop
This report provides a short summary of the recent coffee sub-sector workshop
organized by the Project for Agriculture Commercialization and Trade (PACT) on 11
April 2011. The workshop was held in Gangjong Hotel, Kathmandu and attended
by all key representative stakeholders involved in production, processing and
marketing from the public (government), non-government and private sector.
Participants from the Ministry of Agriculture Development, Department of
Agriculture, Tea and Coffee Section, National Tea and Coffee Development Board,
National and District Coffee Producers Association, Trade Promotion Centre, Agro
Enterprise Centre (AEC) of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce
and Industries, and PACT attended the workshop. This report was designed
primarily to identify potentialities and constraints towards the improvement of the
competitiveness of small coffee farmers and formulate value chain development
plan for commercialization of the coffee.
This report has been prepared for circulation to the participants but is also intended
to serve as a resource for those interested in the workshop content and agencies
involved in the production, processing and marketing of coffee in Nepal.
1.2 Project for Agriculture
Commercialization and Trade
The Project for Agriculture Commercialization and Trade (PACT) is a six-year project,
of the Ministry of Agriculture Development, Government of Nepal (GoN) and is
supported by the World Bank (WB). The grant agreement was signed between
GoN and WB on 21 August 2009 and it became effective on 13 November 2009.
The project is being implemented in 25 districts located in Central, Western, Mid-
western and Far-western development regions of Nepal representing Mid-hills and
Terai regions. The project districts are:
The Project District
Kavre Palanchok, Kathmandu,
Lalitpur, Dhading,
Chitwan, Bara, Parsa, Rautahat,
Kaski, Syangja, Palpa, Nawalparasi,
Kailali, Kanchanpur
Sarlahi, Mahottari, Dhanusha
The overall objective of the project is to improve the competitiveness of smallholder
farmers and the agribusiness sector in selected commodity value chains. It intends
to achieve above objectives by:(i) helping farmer groups and cooperatives engage in profitable market-
oriented production and improved access to markets through the provision
of technology and information services and critical public infrastructure and
linkages to agribusiness;
(ii) creating and strengthening industry-wide partnerships along the value
chain, thus forging linkages between producers, traders, processors, and
other stakeholders and,
(iii) reducing existing obstacles to agriculture cultivation provides 4.33 times higher net return
and food trade thereby increasing the ability
than maize, 3.30 times higher net return than millet
of farmers and agribusiness to respond to and 1.87 times higher net return than maize and
Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary (SPS) measures millet combined, per unit land. Those figures would
and food-quality standards to meet domestic
be much higher if coffee is intercropped with ginger
and international market requirements.
and with banana as double purpose tree: fruits
The project has three components:
and shade. Internal rate of return of coffee orchard
are estimated at 19 percent, 26.9 percent and 32.5
COMPONENT 1: Agriculture and Rural percent for coffee alone, coffee with ginger and
Business Development. The objective of this coffee with banana, respectively assuming a 30
component is to enable farmers to engage in years average life of orchard. Another advantage of
profitable market-oriented production and to coffee farming is employment generation. Coffee
promote partnerships and market linkages with cherry picking coincides with a season when there is
other value chain participants and agribusinesses.
minimal demand of labor for other crops, providing
The component helps agro-enterprises, commodity
additional job not only to the concerned farmers but
associations, cooperatives, registered farmer groups/
also to marginal farmers and land less laborers.
organizations and technology and service providers
The PACT has included coffee as its one of the
to actively engage in the development of commodity
thematic area starting from the first tranche of
value chains by partially financing demand-driven
competitive grant. Among the 48 sub-projects
investment proposals through competitive matching
receiving competitive grant under the first tranche,
five (more than 10%) were for the promotion of
COMPONENT 2: Support for Sanitary and coffee at different levels.
Phyto-sanitary (SPS) Facilities and Food 1.4 Objectives of the Workshop
Quality Management. The objective of this
component is to strengthen the efficiency and The main objective of the workshop was to develop
effectiveness of SPS in order to reduce existing an understanding among the different stakeholders
obstacles to agricultural and food trade. It also including public sector, non-governmental
aims to support the private sector's efforts to gain
organization, private sector and donors working
market advantage through improved food quality
in coffee sub-sector; analyze opportunities and
management. It provides critical backing to the value
constraints for the development; and promotion of
chain investments being supported by Component 1
Nepali coffee. Specific objectives were:
and other related projects by Development Partners.
This component is implemented through three line
to provide opportunities and platform for
departments of the MOAC namely, Department
improving value chain linkages among coffee
of Food Technology and Quality Control (DFTQC),
producers, processors, traders and other
Department of Livestock Services (DLS), and
Department of Agriculture (DOA) and the private
to analyze the potentials, constraints and
possible strategies for the sub-sector
COMPONENT 3: Project Management and
Monitoring and Evaluation. The objective of
to explore opportunities for the improvement
this component is to support a Project Management
of the competitiveness of small coffee
Team (PMT). Activities carried out for overall project
management, monitoring and evaluation and
to explore how the PACT can help the coffee
reporting are financed under this component.
stakeholders involved in different stages of
1.3 Importance of Coffee in Nepal
development/promotion of Nepali coffee.
1.5 Workshop Participants
A large part of land located in the mid hills of Nepal
with an altitude of between 800-1600 meter above
Mr. Nathu Prasad Chaudhary, Secretary, Ministry of
sea level, is suitable for coffee cultivation. Available
Agriculture Development chaired the entire workshop.
information suggests that coffee cultivation is much
In the beginning of the workshop, project director,
more remunerative than the traditional crops being
PACT explained the project itself, objectives of the
cultivated in the rainfed upland of mid-hill. Coffee
workshop and expected outputs. A total of six papers
were presented in the workshop covering Research and
1.6 Organization of the proceedings
Development, policy issues, stakeholders, production to
marketing and export of coffee. Brief presentation was
Brief introduction of the Project for Agriculture
also made by District Coffee Producers Associations and
Commercialization and Trade, its objectives, scope,
PACT's competitive grant recipients.
coverage; and objective of the workshop are given in
Chapter 1. A review of the Nepalese coffee sub-sector is
Representatives from different ministry, departments, in Chapter 2 and the workshop papers are compiled in
programs of the government of Nepal, National Chapter 3. The papers are included either in English or
Tea and Coffee Development Board, Tea and Coffee Nepali, as received from the authors. The PACT requested
Development Section, Trade and Export Promotion commentators to provide comments on each of the
Center, Agro Enterprise Center, Coffee promotion papers in writing. Received comments are placed after
Program of Helvetas Nepal, Nepal Coffee Producers the main paper. Major points raised by the participants
Association, District Coffee Producers Associations, including suggestions from the chairperson of the
and Private companies participated in the workshop.
workshop are compiled in Chapter 4. Finally, Workshop
schedule, participants and presentation materials used
by the authors are placed in Annexes.
Kamal R. Paudyal 1
2.1 Background
Coffee is an important high value commodity and a popular beverage. Over 2.25
billion cups of coffee are consumed in the world every day. One of the good things
about coffee is that over 90% of its production takes place in the developing
countries, while consumption takes place mainly in the developed/industrialized
countries. Worldwide, 25 million small producers rely on coffee for a living. In Brazil
alone, where almost a third of the world's coffee is produced, over 5 million people
are employed in the cultivation and harvesting of over 3 billion coffee plants. In Nepal there are about 28 thousand farmers growing coffee in 40 mid-hill districts.
However, organized coffee farming under Nepal Coffee Producers Association
(NCPA) is reported in 14 districts only. Its cultivation is more labor-intensive
than most of the alternative crops grown on same land: providing additional
employment opportunities to rural populace.
More than 150 million Americans (18 and older) drink coffee on a daily basis,
with 65 percent of them consuming their hot beverage in the morning. Average
coffee consumption is more than 100 liters per capita in US. Though coffee is not
traditional drink of average Nepalese, it is becoming popular drink in Nepal in
recent past. According to a survey (COPP 2010) consumption of coffee increased
from 156 mt in 2006 to 384 mt in 2010: around 146 percent increase in three year.
This quantity converted to drink represents only about three cups of coffee per
2.2 History
The botanical evidence indicates that the history of the coffee bean began on the
plateaus of central Ethiopia from where it was taken to Yemen and cultivated since
the 6th century. Gradually coffee cultivation wandered east and west, eventually
forming a belt roughly bounded by the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Growing
regions typically offer moderate sunshine and rain, steady temperatures around
20oC and rich, porous soil (
Consumption of coffee also started in Arabian Peninsula, where it was commercially
roasted, boiled and prepared ‘Gahwa' meaning beverage made from plant from
eleventh century. A history of coffee origin, including the legend of Kaldi the
Shepherd, and other activities are listed in Annex II.1.
In Nepal, coffee plantation is relatively new practice. Initially coffee was promoted
by some projects and I/NGOs as a soil management for control of soil erosion and
other environmental protection practices. This practice led the farmers regard
coffee as an easy to grow, and less demanding crop cultivated on marginal upland
conditions. After understanding its real importance farmers realized that it needs
better management to maintain the quality of the coffee produced.
According to available sources, a hermit, Mr Hira Giri, had brought some seeds of
coffee from Sindu Province of Myanmar (earlier called Burma) and had planted in
Aapchour of Gulmi District for the first time in Nepal in the year 1938
1 Dr. Kamal Raj Paudyal is Value Chain Development Specialist in Project for Agriculture Commercialization and Trade, Kathmandu.
[email protected]
AD (1995BS). Since then it spread from one farmer
certification guidelines. The National Tea and Coffee
to another as a curiosity plant for three decades
Development Board (NTCDB) and NCPA have guided
without external intervention. The first intervention
the farmers not to grow coffee at less than 800 meter
from public sector was recorded when Agriculture
altitude. Many of the coffee growing areas also get
Development Bank imported coffee seeds and cool wind from Himalayas that help produce superior
distributed to interested farmers for growing as cash
quality. As a genuine process of promoting Nepalese
crop. First commercial nursery was established by
coffee the Government of Nepal (GoN) has approved
an innovative farmer in Aanpchaur village of Gulmi
Nepali Coffee Logo (Figure 1) and awarded to three
district in 1981. Similarly, distribution of coffee traders that meet the set standards. However, serious
plants at subsidized prices was first initiated by Tinau
concerns have been raised by the people involved in
Watershed Project in 1982.
coffee business regarding the enforcement of the
Initially, coffee seeds were roasted and grinded implementation guidelines until proper monitoring
at household level using traditional technology.
mechanism is put in place.
Processing of coffee at larger scale started with 2.4 Advantages of Coffee in
establishment of coffee mill at Manigram village of
Rupandehi district in 1983.
The government established Tea and Coffee Coffee has been predominantly planted in upland
Development Section under Fruit Development area as an additional /extra crop without disturbing
Directorate of the Department of Agriculture in the existing cropping system and on steep hillsides
1993 to coordinate the coffee development in the
where other crops do not perform well. In such
country. National Tea and Coffee Development cases, next best alternative use of the land is forage
Board was also established under the National Tea
production or grazing. In the recent past, farmers
and Coffee Development Board Act (1993). In 1994,
have also started growing coffee in Bari (rainfed
export of Nepali coffee was recorded first time with
upland) where maize could be grown in rainy season.
dry processed green beans to Japan. Brief historical
This means maize alone or maize followed by millet/
events of coffee sub-sector in Nepal are listed in
wheat are the next best alternative crop of coffee.
Comparative advantages of coffee cultivation vis-a-
vis competing crops are discussed in the following
2.4.1 Land Productivity
FiguRe 1: Nepal Coffee Logo
Coffee plants start bearing fruit from the fourth year
of plantation and provide full scale production from
its 7th to 30th year. A sample survey conducted in
Sindhupalchok district in 2009 reported that average
annual cost of coffee cultivation was Rs 43,833 per
ha and gross return was 78,023 per ha meaning a net
return of Rs 34,190 per ha per annum2 (COPP 2009). As discussed earlier, coffee is planted on marginal
uplands where single crop of maize and in few cases
second crop of millet planted. The study reported
that annual net return from maize cultivation was
Rs 7,890 per ha per annum and it was Rs 10,368 per
2.3 Specialty of Nepali coffee
ha per annum from millet cultivation. From these
figures it can be seen that net return from coffee
Nepalese coffee cultivation practice is environmental
cultivation is 4.33 times higher than maize, 3.30 times
friendly and free of harmful pesticides. It is bird-
higher than millet and 1.87 times higher than maize
friendly as it is shade-grown coffee where natural
followed by millet cultivation. Comparative benefits
shade (canopy trees) is used to shelter coffee plants
of coffee, coffee with Banana, coffee with ginger,
during parts of the growing season. Nepalese coffee
maize, and millet cultivation are depicted in Table 1.
is Organic, grown without the use of potentially
harmful artificial pesticides or fertilizers under strict
2 Average of costs and returns for 30 years.
It is estimated that one can earn a net benefit of Rs
Table 1:
151,431 per ha after discounting the future value
Comparison of net returns from
at 10% over a period of 30 years if only coffee is
coffee and its alternative crops
cultivated on unused land. Similarly, if ginger is
cultivated as intercrop with coffee Net Present Value
Net returns compared to
(NPV) at 10 % increases to Rs 206,884 per ha and if
banana is cultivated with coffee it increases to Rs
380,068 per ha over a period of 30 years. The IRR is
estimated at 19%, 26.9% and 32.5% respectively,
with coffee alone, coffee+ginger and coffee+banana
cultivation. Benefit cost ratio is 1.5, 1.6 and 1.9,
respectively, with coffee alone, coffee+ginger and
coffee+banana cultivation. All the investments are
recovered in 7.5 years if only coffee is cultivated, in
6.2 years if coffee and ginger is cultivated and in 5.3
Source: COPP 2009.
years if coffee and banana is cultivated (Table 2)
2.4.2 Returns over investment
An estimation of the benefit of coffee cultivation
replacing other crops is provided in Table 2. Annual
Because there is no production from coffee net benefit from the crop being replaced by coffee
plantation until third year and less than optimum
is subtracted from annual benefit from coffee to
yield up to sixth year, simple average figures are not
estimate those indicators. Estimates of the financial
enough to judge the additional income derived from
indicators in the case of coffee replacing maize and
coffee production compared to traditional crops. millets are presented in column 4 and 5 of Table 2
Therefore, payback period and discounted indicators
which shows that it takes 10 years to recover all of the
of profitability measurements such as Net Present
investments if coffee replaces millet. Payback period,
Value (NPV), Benefit Cost (BC) Ratio and Internal Rate
however, would reduce to 8.1 years and 6.2 years if
of Return (IRR) are calculated to estimate the level of
coffee+ginger and coffee+banana are cultivated on
additional income derived from coffee cultivation
the land being used to cultivate millet.
compared to traditional crops.
Table 2: Indicators of Rate of Returns from Coffee Cultivation on land used
for different purposes
Payback period (years)
NPV @ 10% (Rs/ha)
Coffee + (Ginger first four years)
Payback period (years)
NPV @ 10% (Rs/ha)
Payback period (years)
NPV @ 10% (Rs/ha)
Source: Base data from COPP 2009.
3. Coffee intercropped for the first four years of plantation only.
Based on a survey conducted in Gulmi and Kavre
2.5 Production and Marketing
districts Kattel (2009) estimated that coffee accounts
for 13.4 percent of total income of coffee farmers,
2.5.1 Area and Production
on an average. The author describes this income as
3-Dimensional because it comes from three different
There are two main varieties of coffee being
outputs of coffee farming: 8.1 percent from coffee in
cultivated: Arabica and Robusta. Arabica coffee
terms of fresh cherry, 3.3 percent from shade trees
trees are more delicate, must be grown at higher
in terms of fruit, fodder and/or firewood and 2.1
elevations4, and yield fewer beans per tree per
percent from intercrops such as ginger, turmeric and
growing season. Robusta coffee trees are much
hardier, may be grown at lower elevations, and have
a high bean yield. Of the two, Arabica beget the
2.4.3 Employment Generation
better beans - and about 70 percent of the harvest
in the world. The harsher Robusta tree account for
Coffee is a much more labor-intensive crop than
about 30 percent of the world's production and are
alternative crops of the same regions such as maize,
used for "mainstream" (lower quality) coffee blends
millet and wheat as it is not subject to automation
and requires constant attention. Most of the html). Arabica is being cultivated in Nepal because of
employment is generated during harvesting season,
its quality as demanded by specialty market.
mid-December to end of February in the Nepalese
context, when there are very little agricultural Coffee can be commercially produced in many parts
related activities to be performed in other crop of the country. However, there is great potentiality
sector. Nursery management, pit digging, filling and
in mid hills region for organic coffee production as
planting are other activities that provide employment
it has got suitable climate, topography, soil, relative
to rural populace.
humidity, temperature and rainfall for Arabica coffee.
Some Districts like Gulmi, Palpa, Argakhanchi,
It provides additional employment not only to the
Lalitpur,Tanahu, Kavrepalanchok, Sindhupalchowk,
concerned farmer but also to those that are not
Lamjung, Kaski, Gorkha, Syangja, Parbat, Baglung are
involved in coffee cultivation, especially landless and
successfully growing and producing Coffee. Similarly,
marginal farmers. This is important at the present
coffee is being cultivated in other 26 districts of mid-
context as the industrial growth is disappointing and
hill region of Nepal (http://www.
youths have to resort on foreign employment.
index about coffee.php).
Table 3: Area and Production of Coffee in Nepal, 2009/10
Source: National Tea and Coffee Development Board, 2068 (page 66)
4. In Nepal, mid-hill locations with an altitude of 800 to 1500 meters above sea level are considered suitable for organic coffee cultivation.
In 2009/10 a total of 1,630 ha of land was planted with
the village level. Pulping is done within 24 hours of
coffee and production was recorded at 343 mt green
picking the cherry. After pulping, fermentation is
beans. The low yield rate was because large parts of
required to remove mucilage from parchment. The
coffee plants are young (less than five years of age)
parchment is then fermented for 24 to 48 hours,
that have not started bearing fruit or are producing
depending upon temperature of the location, in
small quantity. Syangja district had the largest area
plastic drums or plastic bags. Timing of fermentation
under coffee (230 ha) that produced over 47.2 mt
is very important as less than enough fermentation
green beans in 2009/10 (Table-3).
results in mucilage remaining on parchment and
more fermentation results in foul smell. The wet
2.5.2 Processing and Marketing
parchment is then washed 3 to 4 times manually to
remove mucilage completely. It is dried for several
In Nepal, wet processing technique is used to process
days until moisture content drops to 11 to 13% (refer
coffee cherry to beans, except in a few cases where
Figure 2 for processes and recovery rates). The dried
either farmers are too far from pulping facility or they
parchment is stored or sold to traders or District
try to use rejected cherry (those that float on normal
Cooperative Union/Federation that have hulling
water). Four steps are followed in processing cherry
facility. Most of the export of coffee from Nepal is in
to parchment at the village level.
term of green bean that is produced by hulling the
Ripe fresh cherry are put into water and those that
float are rejected. Rest of the cherry are pulped Nepali coffee had a long way to travel from a means
using manual or semi-manual pulping machine, at
FiguRe 2: Wet Processing Process and Average Recovery of Coffee
100 kg Fresh Cherry
54 kg Parchment+Mucilage
Fermentation & Washing
23 kg dry parchment
18.5 kg green beans
1.5 kg green beans for local
16.5 kg green beans for export
market (Rs. 500-600/kg)
(1) Process and product - Dhungana, GP,
in Tea-Coffee Smarika-2068, National
Tea and Coffee Development Board,
(2) Values estimated based on
consultation with key informants.
coffee. The US, Japan, South Korea, Canada, UAE and
European countries are the major buyers of Nepali
FiguRe 3: Trend of Coffee
Export from Nepal
According to a recent report of Nepali daily, export of
green beans to third country touched 120 mt marks
in the first 8 months of current fiscal year 2010/11.
This quantity is at par with last year's total export.
It is expected that total export in the current fiscal
year will be more than 150 mt5. Coffee export also
has been contributor of foreign currency. Value of
coffee export was worth about 40 million Rupees in
2006/07. Value of export in recent years is, however,
1995/96 1997/98 1999/00 2001/02 2003/04 2005/06 2007/08 2009/10
Despite increasing production of coffee in Nepal
import of the same has not been declining in the
of soil conservation plant, to traditionally processed
past. This may be due to the lack of information and
household drinks to international market as specialty
adequate publicity about Nepali coffee and the taste
coffee. According to NTCDB record about 5 mt coffee
preference for the imported instant coffee: almost all
was exported in 1995/96 which declined to 4 mt and
the coffee that is imported to Nepal is instant type.
2 mt in subsequent year. Export increased to 3 ton
One of the reasons of increased consumption of
in 1998/99 and continued increasing with a record
Nepali coffee in domestic market is due to foreigners
export of 120 mt in 2009/10 (Figure 3).
preferring filter coffee than the instant (Kattel, 2009).
Coffee stakeholders estimate that about 65 percent
2.6 Major Stakeholders
of coffee produced in Nepal is exported. However,
official record shows that about 36 to 53% of total
Nepal Coffee Producers' Association (NCPA) record
green beans were exported in last three years. Table
shows that 27,730 farmers are cultivating coffee in
4 shows time series data on production and trade of
Nepal, only a few of them in commercial
Table 4: Production and Trade of Coffee in Nepal
Dry cherry Production (mt) Parchment Production (mt) Green Bean Export (mt)
Source: National Tea and Coffee Development Board, 2068 (page 65)
5. The Kathmandu Post, June 14, 2011.
scale. Majority (90%) of those coffee farmers are Tea Development Section (CTDS) under the Fruit
associated with DCPA. Scattered settlements, Development Directorate of the Department of
inaccessibility of the specific locations and very small
Agriculture, National Tea and Coffee Development
scale (less than 50 plants) are some of the reasons
Board (NTCDB), Nepal Coffee Producers' Association
that 2,750 coffee farmers have not joined the DCPA.
(NCPA), Coffee Promotion Program of Helvetas Nepal
Apart from growers there are several individual have been assisting coffee production and trade in
and organizations involved in coffee value chain,
domestic and export markets. At the district level
especially in trading, processing and export. Of the
there are 14 District Coffee Producers Associations
eleven institutions involved in coffee processing and more are under process of registration. Each of
and trade, two are cooperatives and remaining 9
those institutions is involved in promotion and/or
are registered as companies. Four of them supply
value addition in coffee sub-sector. Functions within
to domestic market and to exporters while six of
the coffee value chain, actors involved in different
them export coffee in addition to supply to domestic
stages and enablers are depicted in Figure 4.
markets. A list of registered coffee processor and
traders can be found in Annex II.3. The Coffee and
FiguRe 4: Simplified Value Chain Map of Nepali Coffee
Source: Mapped based on interaction with concerned stakeholders.
Though Nepal has initiated organic production
program, quantity is very small to compete into
Experts working in coffee sub-sector opine that there
international market. In many instances traders
is substantial scope of increasing organic coffee complain that they were not able to sell in
production in the country. A GIS database developed
international market due to limited consignment or
with PACT initiation shows that out of 9,108 ha land
paid higher prices due to air transport.
suitable for coffee cultivation in Kavrepalanchok
district, only 112 ha is planted to coffee at present.
There is almost no or negligible Research and
This clearly means that coffee area can be increased
Development (R&D) works done in coffee in Nepal. It
by more than 80 times in the district. Though, there
is not properly known about which variety is suitable
has not been detailed survey of potential coffee area,
for certain altitude, aspect and soil type. White
the example of Kavrepalanchok districts seems to
stem Borer has been a serious threat to increase the
be true for most of the coffee producing district as
production as many coffee plantations have been
well. Assuming five percent of the potential land can
wiped out due to its attack. There is no sufficient
be brought under coffee in near future, area under
technical manpower to tackle such problems.
coffee can be increased to 6500 ha in 5-6 years from
2.9 Possible intervention areas:
1630 ha in 2009/10. Experience has proved that coffee cultivation is much
Past experience of coffee development in Nepal
more remunerative that traditional crops. A farmer
shows that this sub-sector requires multi-dimensional
can earn 4.3 times more than maize cultivation development plan to harness the potentials.
and 3.3 times more than millet cultivation from Following are some of the major programs that will
coffee. Employment generation and environmental
yield desirable results.
protection are other obvious benefits from coffee.
2.9.1 Research and development
Marketing of organic coffee has not been a problem
in the past which can be seen from growing quantity
A well equipped research center need to be
of export every year. There is also large scope of
established within coffee growing region. Major
import substitution as Nepal has been spending 54
research thrust need to be on identification/
to 84 million Rupees for import of coffee in the recent
development of varieties suitable for different
altitude, aspects and soil types. Appropriate method
Nepal can greatly benefit from increasing organic
for white grub and other pest control is urgently
farming practices as the country does not produce
required. Research is also required on most suitable
chemical fertilizer. Very small quantity expensive types of shade trees, spacing, and other agronomic
imported fertilizer is being used in cultivation of
other crops. Hard earned currency can, therefore, be
saved and utilized for other development purposes
2.9.2 Increased size of orchard
if organic coffee replaces existing cereal crop Most of the coffee production takes place in
small-scale orchards. This practice makes organic
2.8 Constraints
certification not only expensive but also almost
impossible in some cases. Small holding of the
Despite Nepalese farmers accepting coffee as high
farmers and their immediate need of food crops
value agricultural commodity, commercialization prevents them to bring all of their land under coffee
has not been happened in its real sense. Most of
cultivation. There are two options to tackle this
the coffee production takes place in small plots, problem: one, that some sort of alternative means of
involving large number of small farmers resulting in
livelihoods be provide until coffee starts bearing fruit
scattered plants along large geographic area. Being
in its full swing, and two, expand coffee production
marginal and small farmer his/her first priority goes
to remote inner parts of rural area with provision of
to crops that provide return in shortest possible time.
extended road infrastructure.
As coffee production at full scale starts from 5th
to 6th year, poor farmers cannot wait without any
2.9.3 Organic certification and
alternative sources of livelihood.
Nepali coffee has also faced problem to maintain its
Part of the certification process is internal control
inherent quality due to poor processing facilities.
system. Farmers need to be trained on this practice.
Pulping, fermentation and drying facilities at farmers'
Arrangement is also required to recruit technicians
field level are poor.
who will regularly visit the farmers to provide much
needed technical help. In national level, an accredited
their own and are not abided by the set standards.
certifying institution should be developed and/
They are also vulnerable in marketing of their
or strengthened. A system of branding specialty product.
coffee is also required to sustain the export market.
Coffee production increased by almost 12 times in
One of the examples is separate treatment of coffee
the last one decade. Similar is the case of export. It has
produced in certain altitudes.
been one of the major sources of foreign exchange
2.9.4 Infrastructure and Mechanization
earnings. In the domestic front, consumption of
Nepali ground coffee is not catching up fast mainly
Coffee being relatively new comer in Nepalese due to lack of awareness of the benefits from organic
agriculture, it is lacking in infrastructure. Often the
coffee and habit of consuming tea and instant coffee.
quality is deteriorated in the absence of appropriate
Concerned authorities need to give attention on this
drying and storage facility. Similarly, quality also matter for two reasons: first, it saves hard earned
deteriorates as parchments from different small foreign currency being spent on instant coffee
pulping centers (mostly using manually operated
import and second, we cannot always depend on
pulper) are mixed to make sizable amount. A few
foreign market for our products.
better quality and larger scale processing facility will
Coffee cultivation is much more remunerative
be great help to this sector.
compared to traditional crops such as maize and
2.10 Summary and Conclusion
millets. It provides 4.3 times higher net return
than maize, 3.3 times higher net return than millet
Entered in to Nepal without fanfare by a hermit,
cultivation and 1.9 times higher net return than
coffee passed several stages from interesting plant,
maize and millet combined. Those figures would be
soil conserving plant etc. to commercially viable high
much higher if coffee is intercropped with ginger
value agricultural commodity. Its specialty of being
as intercrop and banana as double purpose plant:
organic, Himalayan, and high altitude has attracted
fruits and shade. Internal rate of return of coffee
attention of international market. Contribution of
orchard are estimated at 19 percent, 26.9 percent
NCPA, DCPA and coffee farmers and traders has and 32.5 percent for coffee alone, coffee+ginger and
been commendable. The government of Nepal has
coffee+banana, respectively assuming a 30 years
approved Nepali coffee logo and awarded to three
average life of orchard. Since these estimates are
traders in 2010. However, there are bigger efforts
based on average figures derived from a survey of
required to maintain the prestige of Nepali coffee.
farmers including small-scale that kept less than 50
plants, the benefit from commercial orchard would
Despite Nepalese farmers accepting coffee as high
be higher. Another advantage of coffee farming
value agricultural commodity, commercialization has
is employment generation. Coffee cherry picking
not been done in its real sense. Most of the coffee
coincides with a season when there is minimal
production takes place in small plots, involving large
demand of labor for other crops, providing additional
number of small farmers. Almost 90 percent of those
job not only to the concerned farmers but also to
farmers are organized in to groups and cooperatives
marginal farmers and land less laborers.
and are registered to DCPA and Department of
Cooperative, respectively. NCPA in consultation with
In the background of obvious comparative advantage
NTCDB and COPP of Helvetas Nepal have developed
of coffee cultivation and growing international
and enforced the standards to be maintained in demand of specialty organic Nepali coffee, it is high
organic coffee production. Remaining 10 percent
time to consider commercialization of this high value
coffee farmers are continuing coffee production on
commodity from all sectors including government,
donors, investors and coffee stakeholders.
annex ii.1: World Coffee History
First known discovery of coffee berries. Legend of goat herder Kaldi of Ethiopia who notices goats are friskier after eating
red berries of a local shrub. Experiments with the berries himself and begins to feel happier.
The first coffee trees are cultivated on the Arabian peninsula. Coffee is first roasted and boiled by Arabs making "qahwa"
--- a beverage made from plants.
The world's first coffee shop opens in Constantinople. It is followed by the establishment of two coffee houses in 1554.
Coffee enters Europe through the port of Venice. The first coffeehouse opens in Italy in 1654.
Coffee is introduced to the New World by Captain John Smith, founder of Virginia at Jamestown. Some Canadian histori-
ans claim it arrived in previously settled Canada.
The first coffeehouse opens in England. Coffeehouses are called "penny universities" (a penny is charged for admission
and a cup of coffee). Edward Lloyd's coffeehouse opens in 1688. It eventually becomes Lloyd's of London, the world's
best known insurance company. The word "TIPS" is coined in an English coffee house: A sign reading "To Insure Prompt
Service" (TIPS) was place by a cup. Those desiring prompt service and better seating threw a coin into a tin.
The opening of the first Parisian cafe dedicated to serving coffee. In 1713, King Louis XIV is presented with a coffee tree.
It is believed that sugar was first used as an additive in his court.
The first coffeehouse opens in Vienna. The Turks, defeated in battle, leave sacks of coffee behind.
The Dutch become the first to transport and cultivate coffee commercially. Coffee is smuggled out of the Arab port of
Mocha and transported to Ceylon and East Indies for cultivation.
The first coffeehouse opens in Berlin.
Coffee Plants are introduced in the Americas for cultivation. Gabriel de Clieu, a French naval officer, transports a seedling
to Martinique. By 1777, 1920 million coffee plants are cultivated on the island.
The Brazilian coffee industry gets its start from seedlings smuggled out of Paris.
One of Europe's first coffeehouses, Cafe Greco, opens in Rome. By 1763, Venice has over 2,000 coffee shops
The prototype of the first espresso machine is created in France.
A process of using natural gas and hot air becomes the most popular method of roasting coffee.
Kaffeeklatsch, afternoon coffee, becomes popular in Germany.
The first commercial espresso machine is manufactured in Italy.
The invention of the worlds first drip coffeemaker. Melitta Bentz makes a filter using blotting paper.
Dr. Ernest Illy develops the first automatic espresso machine.
Nescafé instant coffee is invented by the Nestlé company as it assists the Brazilian government in solving its coffee
surplus problem.
Achilles Gaggia perfects the espresso machine with a piston that creates a high pressure extraction to produce a thick
Caffè Carissimi Canada, a network of espresso service providers is formed in Canada, modeled after a visit to Franco
Carissimi (roaster and equipment manufacturer) in Bergamo Italy. It becomes the fastest growing network of private and
independent super automatic machines providers in Canada.
Coffee is the world's most popular beverage. More than 400 billion cups are consumed each year. It is a world commod-
ity that is second only to oil.
annex ii.2: History of development of Coffee Sub-sector
Introduction of coffee in Anpchaur, Gulmi district by Mr. Hira Giri from Myanmar.
Seeds from India were distributed by ADB/N in Gulmi, Palpa and Arghakhanchi.
Import of seed from India for distribution.
Initiation of commercial coffee production and nursery establishment at commercial scale. First commercial nursery
established by Pareshwor Kharal in Aanpchaur, Gulmi.
First sapling distribution at subsidized rate in Palpa by Tinau Watershed Project of the then SATA
Nepal Coffee Company (NeCCo), first coffee mill in Nepal, established in Manigram, Rupandehi.
Establishment of Coffee Development Centre in Aanpchaur, Gulmi.
Ghimire Nursery and Coffe Production Centre initiated organic coffee production in Palpla, Madan Pokhara.
Group of farmers organized in Madan Pokhara, Palpa and formed Coffee Producer Group Madan Pokhara. (30 Kartik)
Registration of Nepal Coffee Producers Association Palpa in Palpa district.
Formation of district committee of the coffee producers association (DCCPA) in SyangjaEstablishment of Tea and Coffee Development Section under the Fruit Development Directorate of the Department of
Agriculture Tea Development Corporation was reorganized into the National Board, coffee was also incorporated and the board
renamed as National Tea and Coffee Development Board under the National Tea and Coffee Development Board Act
2049 (1993).
District Coffee Producers' Association (DCPA) Kavre registered with District Administrative Office (DAO).
Formation of DCCPA in Gulmi.
First recorded export of green beans (dry processed) by ECM (coffee collected from NeCCO) to Japan.
Establishment of Nepal Organic Products in Palpa.
Establishment of Plantec IncorporatedDCPA Kaski registered with DAO.
Establishment of Regional office of NTCDB in Palpa.
LISP, in collaboration with coffee producers association, initiated coffee related activities in Palpa Establishment of Everest Coffee Mill in Kavre.
Organic Certification of coffee under District Cooperative Federation, Gulmi.
First training on organic coffee production (one week long training attended by Leader Farmers from Gorkha, Lamjung,
Palpa, Gulmi, Syangja, Kavre, Kaski and Baglung) organized at Madanpokhara, Palpa. NCPA Palpa decided to go organic with the consent of the coffee producers.
Formation of Central Committee of Nepal Coffee Producers Association (NCPA).
Registration of NCPA as a central association of the coffee producers.
DCCPA Sindhupalchowk formed.
SSMP in collaboration with NCPA initiated coffee related activities in Syangja, Parbat, Kavre and SindhupalchowkIntroduction of wet processing technology (11 pulpers from India) by AEC
DCCPA Parbat formedDCCPA Gulmi formed.
Establishment of Highland Coffee Promotion Company in Kathmandu.
Multi stakeholder workshop to explore the potential role of SDC for coffee promotion in Nepal.
Initiation of coffee FFS in Palpa, Parbat, Syangja, Kavre and Sindhupalchowk (LISP/NCPA)Initiation of Farmer to Farmer Program in Syangja (Winrock/NCPA/DADO).
Registration of DCPA Kavre renewed with District Administrative Office (Chaitra 2058).
Registration of DCPA Syangja with District Administrative Office (Chaitra 2058).
First recorded export of wet processed green beans (estate coffee) by Plantec to UK
NTCDB for the first time fixed dry cherry price based on the quality (three grades) of dry cherries.
Introduction of wooden Hand-pulpers from Indonesia by Holland Coffee Inc.
DCPA Lalitpur (Magh 2060), Parbat (Magh 2060), Palpa (Magh 2060), Gulmi (Chitra 2060), Sindhupalchowk (Chaitra 2060),
Lamjung, Gorkha, Tanahu, Arghakhanchi registered with respective DAOs.
Coffee policy implementedNCPA registered as the federation of DCPAs.
Tea and Coffee Development Section was reorganized with increased program thrust on coffee and additional man-
First training on internal control system and Internal Inspection conducted at Gulmi by CoPP/HN in collaboration with
Nepal Coffee Logo approved by the Government of Nepal
Nepal Coffee Logo awarded to three traders.
Source: Office record of Coffee Promotion Program, Helvetas Nepal
annex ii.3: Major Coffee Processors and Traders of Nepal, 2009
Export and Domes-
Incorporated (P)
regional sales) and
Ltd., Kathmandu,
Mount Everest Su-
Nepal. URL: www.
preme (for export)
Export and Domes-
tive Federation Ltd., Coffee
Coffee Purification
Centre , Johang,
GulmiRoyal Everest Coffee Everest Filter Coffee
Export & Domestic
977-1-4280258, Fax: information@ever-
Mills, Keshar Mahal,
(Roaster & Brewer)
Kathmandu, NepalHighland Coffee
Export and Domes-
Mr. Krishna Ghimire
Promotion Co. Ltd.,
977-1-6220474, Fax: info@highlandcof-
Narephant, Kotesh-
21037, Kathmandu,
NepalBuddha Organic
Export and Domes-
Dhruba Raj B.K.
Coffee Industries
P. Ltd., Kirtipur-2,
Kathmandu, NepalKathmandu Interna- Himalayan Java
Domestic (Brewer)
Mr. Gagan Pradhan
tional Coffee House,
Kathmandu, NepalNepal Organic
Domestic (Roaster & Mrs. Shanti Devi
Coffee Products,
Palpa, NepalHigh Mountain Or-
Domestic (Roaster)
Min Raj and Ramesh 9841411344
ganic Coffee (P) Ltd.,
Bhaisepati, Saibu-3,
Domestic (Roaster)
ism Private Ltd.,
Pokhara, Nepal Gaurishankar
Gaurishankar Coffee Roaster & Brewer
Yet Raj Timilsina
Industry, Panchkhal,
KavreCoffee Cooperative
Lalitpur coffee,
Export and Domes-
Mr. Balbahadur KC
Source: Office record of Coffee Promotion Program, Helvetas, Nepal
Dhungana, GP, 2068, COFFEE PRASODHAN PRABIDHI, in Tea-Coffee Smarika-2068,
National Tea and Coffee Development Board, Kathmandu.
Coffee Promotion Program 2011. Annual Plan 2011. CoPP, Helvetas, Kathmandu.
Coffee Promotion Program 2010. Annual Report 2010. CoPP, Helvetas, Kathmandu.
Agribusiness Promotion and Market Development Directorate, 2010. Cost of
Productionand and Marketing Margin of Cereals, Cash crops, Vegetable & Spices
Crops, Nepal. DOA, Kathmandu.
Agri-business Promotion & Marketing Development Directorate, 2009. Agricultural
Marketing Information Bulletin, Special Issue-2009. APMDD, DOA, Kathmandu.
Agri-business Promotion & Statistic Division, 2010. Statistical Information on Nepalese
Agriculture 2009/10. APSD, MOAC, Kathamndu.
National Tea and Coffee Development Board, 2009. Strategic Plan for Moving Forward
Nepal's Coffee Sector for 2009 to 2011. NTCDB, Kathmandu.
COPP, 2010, A Study of Domestic Coffee Market in Nepal, Report prepared by
Ashok Poudyal and Rajendra Pandit for Coffee Promotion Program, Helvetas, Nepal,
COPP, 2009. A Study on Production Cost and Margins of Coffee in Sindhupalchok
District, Report prepared by KR Kandel for Coffee Promotion Program (COPP), Helvetas
Nepal, Kathmandu.
Kattel, RR, 2009. The impact of coffee production on Nepali smallholders in the value
chain, MSc thesis submitted to Leibniz University, Hannover, Germany.
Websites economics of coffee
3.1 Importance of Coffee Sub-Sector Analysis
Yogendra K. Karki6
Coffee in Nepal
The importance of agriculture sector in Nepal is reflected by its 35% share to
national GDP and absorption of 66% labor force. This sector has been, however,
characterized by traditional subsistence orientated farming. Around 47%
households have less than 0.5 ha of lands (CBS, 2006). The subsistence orientation
of Nepalese farming practice also limited contribution to income growth and
poverty reduction. The situation is changing slowly after Agriculture Perspective
Plan (APP 1994/95-2014/15) strategy and importance given to commercialization
of high value crops by the periodic plans implemented after APP. Coffee is one of
the new comers in the list of high value crops. It is being cultivated in 40 mid-hill
districts and also slowly expanding to other mid-hill districts recently (Figure1).
FiguRe 1: Major Coffee Producing
Latest available data shows that 1,650 ha of land was planted with coffee producing
308 mt of green beans in 2009/10. District wise data on coffee area and production is
compiled in Table 1.
With the existence of favorable climatic condition together with characteristics of
coffee plants that grow well on rainfed uplands less suitable to other crops, the
smallholder farmers are being positively attracted toward coffee farming in Nepal.
Coffee provides 5 times more income than that of maize and millets and 2-3 times
6. Mr. Yogendra Kumar Karki is the Project Director, Project for Agriculture Commercialization and Trade, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Table 1: Area and Production of Coffee in Nepal
24.6 Sindhupalchok
9.5 Kavrepalanchok
4.0 Other Districts
Source: National Tea and Coffee Development Board, 2069 (Page 79)
more yield than that of any other cash crop (Kattel,
poor smallholder farmers, coffee has become source
2009). As a result, the area of coffee in Nepal has been
of cash income to fulfill the household requirement.
increasing. As per official statistics, the area under
Present trend to expansion in farmers' level shows
coffee was 220 ha in 1995/96 which increased to
that coffee could be one of the high value agricultural
1650 ha in 2010/11. Similarly, the production of coffee
produce as a niche product for export. The trend of
increased several times since then (NTCDB, 2011).
export has been very impressive. The total export of
The ecological settings in the Himalayan hills provide
coffee from Nepal increased to 120 MT in 2009/10
Nepalese coffee a unique opportunity to enter from 5 MT in 1995/96. Coffee has huge opportunity to
international specialty markets. Nepali coffee has been
export in international market, which would provide
exported as high altitude grown coffee produced by
higher economic benefit to the smallholder.
resource poor smallholders under organic conditions.
However, there is a lack of sufficient market information,
However, coffee being relatively new crop the entire
quality improvement and value additional scheme
sub-sector chain from certified organic production,
in Nepali coffee sub-sector. The farmers do not have
through quality processing and handling, to domestic
adequate opportunities to add value. Due to the
and international marketing is yet to be established
scattered and remote area of coffee plantation and
also insufficient processing facilities, the marketing of
Since coffee in Nepal is planted mostly by resource
coffee is not within the control of farmers.
FiguRe 2: Sales of Nepali Coffee in Domestic and International Market Year
2006 to 2010 (in mt)
International Market
Source : Coffee Promotion Programme, Helvetas, 2010
Because coffee is relatively new crop, its trade has not
been as common as other crops. A few traders have
FiguRe 4: The Basic Model of
established linkages with importers in destination
Porter's Value Chain
countries. Farmers have very few choices of outlets.
Even for local markets it is not easy for commoners
to enter into market as it needs specific handling/
Firm Infrastructure
processing techniques to maintain the quality. As a
Human Resource Management
result large volume of coffee is being imported for
domestic consumption (Figure 3).
Technical Development
FiguRe 3: Sources of domestic
coffee consumption
of machinery, equipment, people and money.
Only if these things are arranged into systems
and systematic activated it will become possible
to produce something for which customers are
willing to pay a price. Porter argues that the ability
to perform particular activities and to manage the
linkages between these activities is a source of
competitive advantage.
Source : Coffee Promotion Programme, Helvetas, 2010
The importance of value chain analysis is that it can
Though the coffee industry has been growing fast,
help to assess costs in production /marketing chain that
there are several problems. The main problem is might be reduced or impacted by a change in one of
market. Because of limited quantity Nepalese coffee
the chain's processes. By comparing value chain of the
has not been able to influence in international market
competitors, one can often find the areas or links of the
despite being unique in nature. It is very important to
chain where others might be more efficient than him
understand the stakeholders and their value addition
that points the direction for improvement.
activities to improve the performance of the sub-
Structure of Coffee Value Chain in Nepal
Value Chain Concept and its Importance
Nepal Coffee Producers Association (NCPA) is an
umbrella organization of coffee producers. There
The value chain concept was developed and are 14 District Coffee Producers Association (DCPA)
popularized in 1985 by Michael Porter in "Competitive
associated with NCPA. The NCPA record shows that
Advantage," a seminal work on the implementation
27,730 farmers are cultivating coffee in Nepal, only
of competitive strategy to achieve superior business
a few of them in commercial scale. Majority (90%)
performance. Porter (1998) suggested that a set of
of those coffee farmers are associated with DCPA.
interrelated generic activities, primary and Support
Scattered settlements, inaccessibility of the specific
activities, (Figure 4) within the organization add value
locations and very small scale (less than 50 plants)
to the service and product that the organization
prevented the rest of the farmers to join DCPA.
Apart from growers there are several individual
The value chain describes the full range of activities,
and organizations involved in coffee value chain,
which are required to bring a product or service
especially in trading, processing and export. The
from conception, through the different phases of
Coffee and Tea Development Section (CTDS) under
production (involving a combination of physical the Fruit Development Directorate of the Department
transformation and the input of various producer
of Agriculture, National Tea and Coffee Development
services), delivery to the final consumer, and final
Board (NTCDB), Nepal Coffee Producers' Association
disposal after use (Kaplinsky & Morris, 2001).
(NCPA), Coffee Promotion Program of Helvetas Nepal
have been assisting coffee production and trade in
This idea was built upon the insight that an domestic and export
organization is more than a random compilation
markets. At the district level there are 14 District Coffee Producers Association and more are under process
of registration. Each of those institutions is involved in promotion and/or value addition in coffee sub-sector
through different functions as depicted in Figure 5.
FiguRe 5: Coffee Stakeholders and their Major Functions
Source: CoPP, 2011
NTCDB, 2009. Strategic Plan for Moving Forward
Nepal's Coffee Sector for 2009 to 2011, National Tea
CBS, 2006, Statistical Year Book of Nepal, Central
and Coffee Development Board, Kathmandu.
Bureau of Statistics, Thapathali, Kathmandu.
Kaplinsky, R. and Morris M. 2001. A Handbook for
CoPP 2011. Annual Plan 2011. Coffee Promotion
Value Chain Research, Report prepared for IDRC.
Program, Helvetas, Kathmandu.
Kattel, RR, 2009. The impact of coffee production on
CoPP, 2010. Annual Report 2010. Coffee Promotion
Nepali smallholders in the value chain, MSc thesis
Progra,m Helvetas, Kathmandu.
submitted to Leibniz University, Hannover, Germany.
Agri-business Promotion & Statistic Division, 2010.
Porter, ME, 1998. Competitive Advantage: Creating
Statistical Information on Nepalese Agriculture and Sustaining Superior Performance. Free Press New
2009/10. APSD, MOAC, Kathamndu.
3.2 Present state of coffee production in
Nepal: Opportunities and Challenges
bhola Kumar Shrestha 7
Coffee, the second largest commodity next to petroleum traded in the world
market is produced in more than 100 countries. Total production in the world was
128.2 million bags in 2008 ( Brazil is the world leader in production
and America in consumption. Coffee, entered Nepal from Burma in 1939 has been
extended to about 40 districts in the mid hills of Nepal with significant potential as
export commodity. More than 25000 small growers have been involved in coffee
cultivation in about 1630 ha with 343 tons of green bean production in the year
2010. The export of Nepali coffee is in an increasing trend. Importers consider it
as a specialty product and demand outstrips supplies. Nepali coffee has specialty
quality potential as good as Mexican coffee. Cup testing result showed 82-86
percent specialty quality. Lack of human resources and problems due to diseases
such as white stem borer are the area to improve for coffee sub sector development.
Coffee, the second largest commodity next to petroleum traded in the world
market is produced in more than 100 countries. Of
the four main species of coffee, (Arabica, Robusta,
Liberica and Excelsa), only Arabica (Coffee Arabica)
Production by type
and Robusta (Coffee canephor) are in consumption
where Arabica has 62 percent share in world
production. Arabica is the only species grown in
Coffee was brought into Nepal by a Monk in around
1939 after almost 14 centuries of its discovery in
the world in Ethiopia, Africa. Among the various
cash corps cultivated in Nepal, coffee is a high value
cash crop commercially grown in the country with
environmental importance. Though it is extended
to around 40 districts of the mid hill regions of
Nepal, 23 districts are growing it on commercial
basis. Major coffee producing districts are given in
the table below.
Nepal's Main Coffee Growing Region
Ilam, Udayapur, Sankhuwasabha, Okhaldhunga
Nuwakot, Rasuwa, Ramechhap
Arghakhanchi, Gulmi, Palpa, Shyangja, Kaski, Baglung, Parbat, Myagdi,
Tanahun, Lamjung, Gorkha
Among them the top seven district in production of dry parchment on the basis
of 2009/10 harvest are presented in the table below. The table below shows that
7 Technical Officer, National Tea and Coffee Development Board, New Baneswar, Kathmandu,Nepal, [email protected]
Sangjya is the leading district in case of production,
Nearly all coffee is grown by small holders. The
and area but Kaski leads in regards of number of
number of growers in 2006 was 12000 which has
coffee growers. Lalitpur has fairly big coffee farmers
increased to 25000 growers as of 2010. The area of
with an average production of 56.2 Kg green bean
coffee plantation is in increasing trend
per grower. Palpa, Gulmi were the district to initiate
coffee production but still lack behind in production.
Parchment Production (ton)
Coffee Plantation
Which in 2006 was 1285 ha has reached 1630 hectares
in 2010 which indicates an annual rate of increase
is about 15 percent. Similarly the production of dry
parchment was 256 ton in 2006 which has increased
to 429 ton of dry parchment ( 343 ton Green bean)
in 2009/10. There is about 25 percent annual rate of
increase in production.
Area Green Bean (GB)
Market for Nepali coffee has increased both in Netherlands, Canada, Belgium are the major countries
domestic and international level. Coffee green where coffee is being exported. At this point, Korea
bean exported in 2005/06 was 1525 Bag (60Kg/ Bag)
is the leading buyer, followed by Japan. Around 60
which in 2009/10 increased to 1867 Bags.
percent of the production is exported. Sales in the
domestic market are also increasing and the present
sale is about 40 % of the total production. There are
Coffee Export (Bag)
six companies including cooperatives exporting
coffee to different destinations.
There is a great potentiality for specialty coffee
cultivation in the mid hills of Nepal due to suitable
climate, topography, soil structure, relative humidity;
temperature and rainfall, The ecological settings
in the Himalayan hills provide Nepalese coffee an
exceptional opportunity to enter international
specialty markets.
The Specialty coffee is categorized as organic, High
Altitude Grown, One variety, Estate Coffee and
De-caffeinated. Nepali coffee consists of all the
characters (Organic practice, only Arabica). Some
specialty coffee known in the world is listed below:
Jamaican Blue mountain
Nepali coffee has been exported to more than 15
Tanjanian Pea Berry
countries. Export destinations have been increasing
Hawain Kona Coffee
every year. Japan, Korea, the USA, Germany, the
Ethiopian Yarga Chaphe
Table below shows an overview of the major export destinations with tentative volume by the company.
Nepali coffee is considered specialty coffee grown in
The government policy is also positive towards
higher altitude away from the main coffee growing
organic production practices for which the National
Capricorn and cancer belts (above 23degree Guideline for organic agriculture production and
latitude) of the world. One of the international processing 2064 (Amendment 2065) has been
buyers disclosed that he is paying almost 50 percent
approved. The government has also allocated budget
premium price just for origin for Nepali coffee. Nepali
for organic certification and organic fertilizers.
coffee stands at 40 -50 percent of specialty coffee
Coffee involves many steps to bring in to final cup
standard which can be upgraded to a level of about
stage (Seed to Cup), thus, creates employment. It
80 percent. The team also tested the Nepali coffee
also helps in the promotion of agro-ecotourism,
and was found Specialty Quality potential as good
import substitution and GDP contribution through
as Mexican (NTCGDA, 2005). This has been proved
with many test results that showed 82-86 percent
specialty quality in cup testing.
Moreover the coffee cultivation practices currently
used is 70 – 80 percent organic (NTCGDA, 2005).
There are many challenges in commercialization of
There are strong organized groups of producers at
coffee. Some of them are list below: The demand
village, districts and national level with more than
exceeds the supply: the major coffee traders in the
25000 coffee growers. The coffee enterprise has also
country reported that there is increased demand
been initiated at different levels with strong network
of Nepali coffee in the international market but
between producers and traders. In addition there
the production volume is very small. It is grown as
are many stakeholders (I/NGOs, NTCDB, CTD etc) a subsidiary crop in the marginal land sometimes
supporting in the promotion of coffee production,
as curiosity plant The table below shows that 81
processing and marketing. Certification Body at percent of the growers has less than 100 plants and
local level has already been providing their services
produce about 400 Kg of fresh cherry or less than 80
on organic certification of coffee for international
Kg of Green Beans and only one percent grower have
market. NTCDB has developed 3 years Coffee more than 500 plants. Thus, increased production to
Development Strategic Plan in collaboration with
meet the demand needs a strong strategy to expand
all stakeholders. NTCDB has also developed and coffee in all possible plantation sites including
distributed Nepal Coffee LOGO for quality assurance
community forest.
Opportunities for the Development of Nepal's Coffee Sub-Sector
Potential in International markets: 1500 tons
Growing demand for Nepal Coffee
Potential in domestic markets: 500 tons
Organic and Fair Trade
Speciality markets
Increasing food securing
livelihoods of small-holders
Defined areas of origin branding
Existing government policies on
Employment opportunities
Favourable conditions
organic agriculture
for expanding organic
coffee production
Agro-ecological conditions
favourable for organic production
Producers in favour of going organic
Import substitution (Current value
of imports 50 millions NRs or
around 0.75 million USD)
Size of coffee <50
51-100 1 0 1 - >500
Big Farmers in Lalitpur – 12 percent; Gulmi, Palpa, Sangjya,
Kaski and Kavre – 1 percent
Maintenance of quality: Nepalese coffee, though
consists of specialty quality, has faced problem to
maintain its inherent quality due to poor processing
facilities. Pulping, fermentation and drying facilities
at farmers' field level would greatly help maintain
Delay in payment: Farmers were reluctant to increase
the quality. Many countries have shifted from the plantation as they need to wait more than six
conventional coffee to organic production practices
month to get the payment for the coffee cherry.
with huge government support. Though Nepal has
Creation of Coffee development fund could be
initiated organic support program, it is very small to
helpful to encourage small farmers to increase the
compete in the international market.
Limited technical manpower: There is shortage of
Lack of required coordination: There are many
technical manpower to support coffee. Technical organizations working for coffee with little or paper
knowledge required for production, harvesting, coordination which need to establish a functional
value addition etc is limited which has hampered the
coordination to bring a synergy in coffee sub sector
entire coffee sector.
Limited research and development activities: There
Diseases: Coffee White Stem Borer has become a
are very limited research initiatives on coffee variety,
serious threat to increase the production as many
fertility and many others for which NARC and other
coffee plantations have been wiped out due to its
related organisations role has to be increased.
3.3 g]kfnL skmL] lgof{tsf ;+efjgf tyf r'gf}tL
ljdns'df/ g]kfn8
skmL ljZjsf] k d'v k]okbfy{sf] ?kdf /x]sf] 5 . g]kfnL hg;+Vofsf] 7"nf] lx:;f jfXo ;dfh;Fu a9L 3'nd]n x'g] a9 bf] qmd;Fu} g]kfndf klg skmLsf] pkef]u ug]{ k j[lQ a9 b} uPsf] 5 . csf]{lt/ d'n'sleq dfq} x}g ljZjdf klg skmLsf] dfudf a9f]Q/L b]lvPsf] 5 . xl/t r]tgf, jftfj/0f cfGbf]ng tyf :jf:Yok lt a9 bf] ;+j]bzgzLntfsf sf/0f ljiffbLx?sf] k of]u gePsf skmL tyf skmLsf pTkfbgx?sf] dfudf a9L cfsif{0f b]lvPsf] 5 .
pk/f]Qm sf/0fn] ubf{ xfnsf jif{x?df cfP/ g]kfndf skmL pTkfbgk lt s[ifs tyf Joj;foLx?sf] rf;f] / ;xeflutfdf Jofks j[l4 ePsf] 5 . cfj @))$÷)%df !)&* x]S6/df skmL v]tL ul/Psf]df cfj @))*÷)(df s/Lj !%#! x]S6/ hdLgdf skmL v]tL ul/Psf] 5 . cfj @))$÷)% df @%) d]l6«s 6g skmL pTkfbg ePsf] lyof] eg] cfj @))*÷)( df s/Lj ##$ d]l6«s 6g skmL pTkfbg ePsf] kfOPsf] 5 .
pk/f]Qm pT;fxhgs cfFs8fjLr g]kfnsf] skmL lgof{t eg] ;Gtf]ifhgs b]lvPsf] 5}g . cfj @))*÷)( df s/Lj ? !# s/f]8sf] skmL lgof{t ePsf]df cfj @))(÷!) df skmL lgof{tdf s/Lj *) k ltztn] x f; cfO{ ? @ s/f]8df ;Lldt x'g k'u]sf] 5 . o;/L g]kfndf pTkflbt skmL ci6«]lnof, j]lNhod, e'6fg, Sofg8f, rLg, hd{gL, ef/t, hfkfg, s]Gof, blIf0f sf]l/of, tfOjfg, o'PO{, o's], tyf ;+o'Qm /fHo cd]l/sftkm{ lgof{t x'g] u/]sf] kfOG5 .
o; k/Ll:yltdf d'n'sdf skmLsf] pTkfbg tyf u'0f:t/df j[l4 u/L Jojl:yt 9+udf ljZj ahf/df k rf/k ;f/ ug]{ xf] eg] skmL lgof{t g]kfnsf] k d'v lgof{tof]Uo j:t'sf ?kdf cfpg] ;+efjgf b]lvG5 . o;sf nflu xfdLn] ;DjlGwt ahf/sf] dfusf] cfsf/df cfkm gf] pTkfbg kl/0ffddf j[l4 ug'{kg]{ cfjZostf Psflt/ 5 eg] csf]{lt/ cfoft ug]{ d''n'sn] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] u'0f:t/ dfkb08 cg';f/ cfkm gf pTkfbgnfO{ kl/dflh{t ug'{ cfjZos 5 .
8 lgb]{zs, Jofkf/ tyf lgsf;L k j4{g s]Gb
3.4 Comments on "Export Potentials and
Constraints of Nepalese Coffee"
Kamal Raj gautam9
First off all I will like to thank PACT team for providing me the opportunity to
participate in this valuable coffee sub-sector workshop for Nepal. I hope while
participating in this event will enhance my knowledge in this sub sector. Here I
have tried to analyze the paper in the context of value chain as an actor-oriented
approach and is highly effective in tracing product flows, showing the value-
adding stages, identifying key actors in the chain and assessing the relationships
among them.
The paper presented by the writer even though the title is not the same as provided
for him, but during his presentation he has justified why he has refined the title on
which I'm convinced. Considering this basic constraint the specific findings and
comments are:Mr. Nepal has clearly mentioned the role of Coffee in the world market and in
Nepalese context due to exposure of Nepalese people with out-side world; its
internal consumption is also in increasing trend. By stating this point he is trying to
indicate the increment in the internal demand as well as international market. In
the same way he has tried to identify the factors playing role for the attraction of
pesticide free coffee i.e. organic coffee demand. Here, I think he has presented the strength of Nepalese coffee product which is one
of the major aspects of the coffee sub-sector. In the same way he has presented
the environmental and health issues crucial for increasing the demand of coffee in
internal and external markets. By analyzing these aspects author has tried to show
the opportunities for Nepalese coffee. In this context if he had added the different
stakeholder i.e. Local/Sub-national/National supporting institutions that play key
role for its production and promotion including the coffee farmers and nurseries
then it would have added value to his paper.
In the aspect of trader, there is an encouraging level of traders' interest and
participation despite limited effort to promote export. If he had analyzed the
weakness of Nepalese coffee industry, it might have provided crucial points to
support trade facilitation for the end markets. Whereas in this regard he has tried
to mention quantity, production – quality, primary-secondary processing- well
managed promotion activities in world market, Trade –guaranteed qualitative and
quantitative supply as of importing countries demand, End Markets as sub-sector
analysis. Thus, I think paper presenter has tried to analyses the coffee sub-sector as aimed
by the project for its promotion.
Lastly I would like to thank paper writer for his effort to present such an informative
and synthesized paper.
9 Programme Director, Agribusiness Promotion and Market Development Directorate, Department of Agriculture, Harihar Bhawan,
Lalitpur, Nepal, [email protected]
3.5 skmL If]qdf ;+nUg ;/f]sf/jfnfx? / o;sf]
Joj;flos pTkfbgdf ltgsf] e"ldsf
Zofdk ;fb e08f/L10
! kl/ro
g]kfn skmL Joj;foL dxf;+3 g]kfnsf skmL Joj;fodf nfu]sf skmL Joj;fodf ;+nUg
lhNnf;+3÷;+:yf, pBdL, skmL ;xsf/L, Joj;foLx?sf] 5ftf ;+u7gsf] ?kdf ;d'bfodf
cfwf/Lt -CBOS_ ;+:yf xf] . of] ;:yf @)%$ ;fnDff /fli6«o ;+3sf] ?kdf / @) ! b]lv
dxf;+3 -NCPA_ sf] ?kdf :yfkLt 5 . of] ;+:yfn] vf;u/L k"jf{wf/ ;]jf, ;+:yfut ljsf;,
pTkfbg Pj+ k zf]wg k ljlw ljsf; tyf k ;f/, jhf/Ls/0f Joj:yf / ;/sf/ / cfj:os
cGo lgsfo;+u lgltut jsfnt, ;dGjo tyf ;xsfo{nfO{ hf]8 lbb} cfPsf] 5 .
@ P]ltxf;Ls kl/ro
g]kfn slkm k j]zsf] O{ltxf; x]bf{ lj=;= !((% df ;fw'n] j Xdfaf6 k j]z u/fPsf] kfO{G5 .
To; kl5 u'NdLaf6 ;'? ePsf] skmL cwf{vfrL, kfNkf, :ofªhf, sf:sL, sfe ], nDh'Ë,
afUn'Ë / emfkf;Dd km}lnof] . slkm lj:tf/ x'Fb} hfFbf, tgx'F, kj{t, nlntk'/ l;Gw'kfNrf]s /
dsjfgk'/;Dd lj:tf/ x'Fb} hfbf, clxn] DofUbL ;+v'jf;ef, O{nfd, vf]6fË, kfFry/, pbok'/,
/fd]5fk, g'jfsf]6 ;d]tdf Joj;flos v]tLn] k j]z kfPsf] 5 . o;sf cltl/Qm dWo] kxf8sf
cGo lhNnfdf klg s]xL v]tL ePsf] 5g / x'g] qmddf 5g . skmL pTkfbg a9b} hfFbf
cuf{lgs lkmN6/ skmL pkef]usf] 1fgsf] cefj ahf/ kx'Fr x'g g;Sg'sf] sf/0f skmLsf]
ahf/df ;d:of pTkGg eof] . @)$ ;fn ;Dd cfO{k'Ubf ahf/ / k ljlwn] 7"n} ;d:of
pTkGg u/fof] . kmntM @)$ ;fndf dfly pNn]lvt s]xL lhNnf ;d]tsf skmL s[ifsx?sf]
;xefuLtfdf æskmL ;+3 kfNkfÆ :yfkgf eof] . @)$* ;fndf g]kfn skmL Joj;foL ;+3 u7g
eof] . ;+:yfsf] hGdsfn af6} cfkm gf] e"ldsfnfO{ lj:tf/ ug]{ sfo{Gjog ug]{ sfd ;'? u¥of] .
@)%) ;fnaf6 æk fËf/Ls skmL v]tLÆ cjwf/0ff Nofof] @)%) ;fnd} /fli6«o lrof tyf skmL
ljsf; jf]8{sf] :yfkgf x'g uof] . ahf/ Joj:yf / d"NonfO{ Joj:yLt ug{ @)%! ;fnaf6
skmLsf] jflif{s Go"gtd d"No lgwf{/0f ug]{ sfdsf] yfngL eof] . cfh ;Dd 5b}5 .
# kl/sNkgf
g]kfnsf] ;d'Gb ;txaf6 *))–! )) dL6/df /x]sf] dWo kxf8L e"lddf j;f]jf; ug]{ kxf8L
If]qsf ;fgf tyf Joj;foLs skmL s[ifsx?nfO{ ;+:yfut ;+/rgfsf] dfWodaf6 k fËl/s Pj+
ljlzi7 >]0fLsf] skmLsf] Joj;foLs pTkfbg / lbuf] jhf/Ls/0fsf] Joj:yf ldnfO{ pQm If]qdf
nfUg] Joj;foLx?sf] cfl{ys pGgtL ug]{;fy} /fli6«o cfo>f]tdf a[l4 ug]{, ul/jL lgjf/0fdf
;xof]u k'/ ofpg], g]kfnsf] k d'v lgof{t of]Uo gub] afnLsf ?kdf :yfkLt ug]{, e"–Ifo /f]sL
df};d kl/jt{g cfhsf] ljZj ;fd' b]lvPsf] r'gf}tLnfO{ Go"gLs/0f ug]{ kof{j/0fLo ;'wf/ ug]{
kl/sNkgfsf ;fy g]kfn skmL Joj;foL dxf;+3 cuf8L a9]sf] 5 .
$ nIo
o; ;+:yfsf] d'Vo nIo skmL s[ifsx?sf] xs, lxt ;'/lIft ub}{ g]kfnL skmLsf] u'0f:t/
;'wf/ u/L jhf/sf] dfu cg';f/ pTkfbg ug]{ lgltut Joj:yf u/L Joj;foLs/0f ub}{ lbuf]
/ ;+:yfut u/fpg k'j{wf/ ljsf;, ;+:yfut ljsf;, h}ljs (organic) k ljlwsf] ljsf; Pj+
k j4{g ug]{, /x]sf] 5 . o;sf nfuL pTkfbg j[l4 / jhf/ k j4{g ug{ ls;fg ;d'xx? k f/lDes
10 cWoIf, g]kfn skmL Joj;foL dxf;+3
;xsf/L DCPA/ pBdL / g]kfn ;/sf/ / ;DjlGwt sfo{qmd 5 . x/]s jif{ d+l;/ ! nfO{ g]kfn ;/sf/af6 cfkm gf] lgsfo;+u lgltut jsfnt tyf ;xsfo{df hf]8 lbg]
jflif{s sfo{qmd cg';f/ slkm lbj; 3f]if0ff u/]sf] 5 .
/x]sf] 5 . NGO/INGO / cGo ;:yfx?;+u ;DfGjo pQm cj;/af6 lbj;n] /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o hutsf] u/L skmL If]qdf ug]{ ;xof]unfO{ Ps ?ktfdf nUg] nIo Wofg g]kfnsf] cuf{lgs ljlzi6 skmLsf k lt cfsif{0f
u/fPsf] 5 . ljBdfg @%))) ls;fgsf cltl/Qm cj w]/} ls;fg / cGo If]qsf dflg; ;d]t o; If]qdf cfslif{t
% d'Vo pb]Zo
ePsf] 5 . g]kfnsf] skmL pTkfbg k zf]wg ahf/ lgltut
;+:yfut ljsf;, k ljlw ljsf;, lglt tyf ;+jGw ljsf;, Joj:yf ;xof]uL If]q lj:tf/ k rf/ k ;f/af6 skmLsf] eljio jhf/;xhLs/0fsf lglDt g]kfn ;/sf/, bflqlgsfox? pHhn 5 . slx st} skmLsf ?v sfl6Psf] skmL laqmL gLlhIf]q, ;fdflhs ;+3 ;+:yf Pj+ pBf]uLx?;u ;dGjo /
gePsf] cfbL s'/f klg cfpg] ub{5 . :jefljs klg xf],
;xsfo{ ub}{ hfg] /x]sf] 5 .
skmL u'0f:t/ gx'g', ;dodf ls;fgsf] skmL Jofkf/Laf6 gp7 g', au}rf ;fgf] / Joj:yLt gx'g', u'0f:t/sf] skmL gx'g',
/f]u -ujf/f]_ sf] nIf0f b]lvg', ahf/df s]xL cgflws[t ?kdf skmL cfPsf] 5 eGg' lo dfyLsf ;a} ;d:ofnfO{ skmLdf
@)%$ ;fndf dfyL pNn]lvt lhNnfx? dWo]af6 $ hgf sfd ug]{ g]kfn ;/sf/ / ;DalGwt lgsfox?, pBf]uLx?,
cu'jf skmL s[ifsnfO{ cd]/LsL skmL ælj1 df]/L;Lof]; ls;fgx?, DCPA/NCPA ;a} ldnL lgltut Joj:yf, cfly{s
;flngf; / kfjn sf6 h]kmÆ af6 g]kfndf klxnf] k6s s[lif
Joj:yf u/fO{ If]q lj:tf/, u'0f:t/ ;'wf/, pTkfbg a[l4 ug]{
If]qsf] slkm v]tLsf] /fd f] ;+efJotf, k fËfl/s pTkfbgsf] /
/ cg'udgsf cfwf/ ;d]tdf ;'wf/ ug{ ;lsG5 . s]xL
fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o ahf/df /fd f] cj;/sf] hfgsf/L ;d:of pTkGg x'Fbf of] If]qnfO{ rgfvf] aGg k ]l/t ub{5 .
x'Fbf s[ifsx? skmL v]tL k lt cfslif{t eO{ g]kfnsf cGo lhNnfx?df skmL v]tL Joj;flos a9 b} cfof] . slkm
Table 1: Coffee Production
ls;fgsf] ;+:yfut ;+/rgf h:t} ufpF ufpFdf ;d'x ;d'x–
and Plantation in Different Years
;d'xaf6 lhNnf ;+3 (DCPA) lhNnf ;+3 ;xsf/L pBf]uLx? ldn]/ s]Gb df dxf;+3 (NCPA) sf] ;+:yfut ;+/rgf
Production Parchemoant
lgdf{0f u/L Joj:yLt skmL Joj;fodf kl/0ft eof] .
Area (Ha) (Mt.) Dry Cherry
;+:yfut ljsf; k ljlw ljsf; lglt tyf ;DaGw ljsf; /
ahf/Ls/0fn] Joj:yfklso ljsf;sf] cjwf/0ffaf6 skmL
Joj;fo Joj:yLt x'g uPsf] 5 . ls;fgx?df O{dfGbf/Ltf
/ d]xg]tsf] k ltkmn, g]kfn ;/sf/sf] ;sf/fTds b[li6, slkm
ljsf; jf]8{sf] e"ldsfn] /fli6«o skmL lglt @) ! lg:sf;g
eO{ slkm lglt sfof{Gjog lgb]{lzsf @) & cg';f/ ut
dfu{ @) & df /fli6«o skmL nf]uf] -k lts lrGx_ k fKt eO{
;fj{hlgs ePsf] / g]kfnsf tLg pBf]un] g]kfn slkm
Joj;foL dxf;+3sf] l;kmf/L;df jf]8{af6 nf]uf] k fKt u/]sf
5g . eg] cGo pBf]ux? klg qmdzM k s[ofdf cfO{ ;s]sf
5g . skmL ls;fgsf] ;+:yf (NCPA) sf df}h'bf !%@ hgf
skmL k fljlws -h]=l6=P_ dWo] #@ hgfnfO{ CTEVT åf/f L2
-h]=6L=P_ sf] kl/Iffsf] Joj:yf u/fO{ @( hgf bIf k fljlws
pQL0f u/L NCPA cGtu{t k fljlws ;ldlt dfkm{t skmL
If]qdf sfo{/t 5g . afFsL k fljlwsnfO{ CTEVT af6 qmdzM
l:sn6]:6sf] Joj:yf u/fO{ bIf k fljlws agfpb} nUg] ; f]tM NCPA
Table 2: Coffee Plantation Area &
Production 2009/10 (2066/67)
;j}eGbf a9L cS;Lhg h]g]/]6 ug]{ lkknsf] ?vnfO{
dflgG5 , Tof] h:t} skmLsf ?vaf6 cS;Lhg h]g]/]6
x'G5 . h:t} ! x]S6/ skmLsf] ju}rfaf6 k ltlbg *@
kf}08 cS;Lhg h]g]/]6 ub{5 . To;}n] jftfj/0f cg's'n,
u Lg8n/, hnjfo" kl/jt{g cg's"n e"ldsf, sfj{g Jofkf/
/fi6«nfO{ 7"nf] of]ubfg k'/ ofpg] . cGt/fli6«o jhf/df
skmL kf/vLx?df ljlzi7 :jfb / k sf/sf] skmL vfg]
k rng j9 bf] 5 . hdfO{sfsf] æANo" dfp06]g skmLÆ
sf] :yflkt jhf/nfO{ æg]kfnL skmLn] cg';/0f ug{' kg]{
cj:yf oxfsf] ljz]if k sf/sf] lEfGg xfjfkfgL lxdfn,
e"–w/ftnsf cj;/ ;[hgf ePsf] 5 .
* ;d:of tyf ;dfWffgsf pkfox?
• pTkfbg If]qlj:tf/, k zf]wg, cg'udg
• Organic dn÷ljiffbLsf] Joj:yf
• ICS (cfGt/Ls lgoGq0f k 0ffnL_ cuf{gLs ;l6{lkms];g
• g;{/L k df0fLs/0f / /lh:6«];gsf] Joj:yf
• prfO{ kNkLË s]Gb k ljlwsf] Joj:yf • :6]l/h, kNkLË u'0f:t/ -kNk/ ;+rfns_ lj?jfnfO{
vfBtTJf Joj:yfkg cg'udg
• ;+sng tyf e08f/0f Joj:yf
Table 3: Export and Import of
• ;fdfu L cfk"tL{ • ahf/ cg';f/ k zf]wg k ljlw
Export (Green bean)
• c:j:Yo k lt:kwf{sf] cg'udg÷lgoGq0f
Value (Rs) Quantity (kg)
• Sjf/]G6fO{g Joj:yfsf] ;/nLs/0f / cg'udg
• Hulling , granding coc nufPtsf] Joj:yf
• skmLsf] u'0f:t/ cup-testing rosting ;+jlGw
• lglirt lgsfo -skmL lglt / (NCPA) sf]
cg'dltaf6 dfq Joj;fosf] Joj:yf / cg'udg
• skmL nf]uf]sf] Joj:yf / cg'udg
• ;j} If]qsf] ;dGjo / ;xsfo{ .
3.6 Coffee Research and Development in Nepal
Ram bahadur KC and Krishna bahadur Thapa 11
Coffee (Coffea spp) is newly introduced crop for Nepal. According to past evidence
Sadhu Hira Giri introduced and propagated some seeds of coffee in Gulmi
Anapchaur in 1938 (1995 BS). It means Gulmi was first avenue district of coffee
plantation in Nepal. It is cash crop that is grown commercially in 23 districts. Most
of the coffee grown area are confined in Western and Central Development Region
mid hills of Nepal. Botanically, coffee is a perennial shrub which belongs to the genus Coffea of the
family Rubiaceae. There are more than 70 species under the genus Coffea, most of
which are native of Africa (Coffee guide, 2000). However, four species under Coffea
are economically important. These are arabica, liberica, excelsa and canephora
(robusta). The Most popular coffee species grown in Nepal is Coffea Arabica which
accepted as high quality coffee in the world. It is tetraploid species with 2n=44
chromosomes and self fertile in nature (Coffee guide, 2000). Different varieties/
collection of Coffea arabica are collected and cultivated in Nepal so far has beeb n
presented in Table 4.
Potentiality of Coffee in Nepal
Coffee is second largest traded commodity of world after petroleum products.
Climatically and geo-physically the coffee grown at higher altitude (more than 800
m) with cool climate is recognized as specialty coffee in the world. Nepal has special
production niche as it poses 42% of land lies in mid hill situation (Manandhar
and Shakya, 1996). Climate, soil and altitude are the major factor to grow the
production of quality coffee. Furthermore, unemployment is the main constrain
in rural areas. So coffee farming would be the potential alternative way to mitigate
such problem. The demand of organically grown coffee product is increasing day
by day in national and international market. It is reported as environment/bird
friendly plant which helps to reduce soil erosion and fit in three tier plantation
Coffee Development Process at a glance
In the beginning coffee was introduced firstly in 1938 (1995 BS)
In 2042, establishment of Coffee Development Center for work carried out
coffee development and training
Establishment of Nepal Coffee Company in 1983 (2040 BS), at Manigram,
Coffee growing got accelerated when coffee grower established the ‘Nepal
Coffee Producer Association' (NCPA) in 1992 (2048)BS
National Tea and Coffee Development Board was established in 1993 (2050
BS) for coffee promotion in Nepal
Formulation and Implementation of National Coffee Policy was in 2003
11 Senior scientist, ARS (Hort.) Malepatan, Pokhara
An experiment entitled ‘Development
Table 1: Distribution of coffee
of Improved and Sustainable Package of
growing areas in Nepal
Production Technology for Commercialization
of Coffee Cultivation' was started in ARS,
Malepatan during the FY 2060/61.
1st category (>100 ha)
3rd catagori (>25 ha)
Similarly in 2062 BS another research project
on coffee entitled ‘Selection of Suitable
Genotypes of Variety grown under different
Organic Means' for better quality coffee
production was initiated at ARS, Malepatan
condition in collaboration between NARC
118 4th catagori (<25 ha)
Other research activities on progress under ARS
(Hort), Malepatan
2nd catagori (>50 ha)
Varietal physio-morphological
characterization of coffee
Varietal evaluation in different elevation (800,
1000, 1200, 1400 masl)
80 Other districts are
Shade management on coffee
Collection, conservation and evaluation of
1650 Ramechhap, Ilam
coffee genotypes
Study on quality brandy preparation from
Involve farm family
fresh cherry pulp
Coffee Research in Nepal
Designing of low cost parchment drying
By the directive of late king Birendra, Coffee
Development Center was established in
Technical backstopping to the clients
2042 at Anapchaur VDC of for the purpose of
research and training on coffee.
Coffee varieties were introduced from
Research Findings so far
International Coffee Research Center, Brazil
at ARS, Malepatan during the FY 2051/52
1. Performance evaluation of coffee geno-
by LARC (Now RARS, Lumle). Varieties
types in Western hills of Nepal
were Bourbon Amarillo, Bourbon Vermelo,
Catimore, Catuai Amarillo, Catuai Vermello,
Super imposed experiment was conducted at ARS
Catura Amarillo, Catura Vermello Mundo
Malepatan in eight years old orchard under Siris
Novo (Chaudhary 2009).
(Albizia sp.) shade condition. Experiment was laid
out in RCB design replicated three times. The highest
Some seeds of coffee varieties such as ‘Pacas',
mean marketable fresh cherry yield (4.32 kg /plant)
‘Tekisic', ‘Pacamara', ‘Catisic' was introduced
produced by genotypes ‘Caturra Amarillo' followed by
from L-Salvadeur and distributed to different
Bourbon Vermelo (4.18 kg/plant). In case of caffeine
agri-farms by Winrock International in 2054
percent genotype Mundo Novo contained higher
caffeine (1.578%) and the lowest in Caturra Amarrillo
In 2061 NARC, DOA, Nepal Tree Crop
Global Development Alliance and Winrock
2. Development of improved and sustaina-
International planted coffee varieties to study
ble package of production technology for
varietal performance in Panchkhal farm.
commercialization of coffee cultivation
Study in relation to coffee entitled
‘Development of Eco-friendly Management
In coffee, the combination of double dose of farmyard
Practices for Coffee Stem Borer' was carried
manure (@10 t ha-1) and single dose of chemical
out by the ARS Malepatan during FY 2064/65
fertilizer (NPK @ 100:30:60 kg ha-1, respectively) found
and 2065/66.
to be most suited to grasp the higher yield of fresh
Source: NTCDB
cherry (988.2 kg ha-1) of coffee as compared to either
5. Varietal physio-morphological
single dose of farmyard manure only or chemical
fertilizer only.
For physio-morphological and genetically variability
The maximum yield of fresh cherry (1228.45 kg ha-1)
to evaluate varietal similarities and dissimilarities
was observed in variety ‘Yellow Caturra' and followed
characterization (both quantitative and qualitative)
by ‘Selection-10' (758.80 kg ha-1).
was initiated in some varieties/collections at ARS,
3. Selection of suitable variety of coffee
grown under different organic means for
6. Varietal evaluation in different eleva-
better quality and production at
tions (800, 1000, 1200, 1400 masl)
Different varieties/collections are cultivated by many
This project was started in collaboration between
farmers in different part of the country. However
ARS, Malepatan and NTCDB, Regional Office at suitable cultivar for specific location is not identified
Malepatan during Mangsir 2062 BS. The finding of
so far. In Nepal several cultivars are available and
the is presented in Table 2
4. Loss assessment survey and pest status
Table 3: Different locations of
monitoring in Syangja and Kaski district
coffee plantation under ARS, command area
White stem borer is very challenging coffee insect
now a days in Nepal. Usually orchard over six to seven
Altitude Location
years old, poor shade management and careless
condition are found more conducive to the insects.
850 Lewade, kaski
Following observations were concluded from the
conduction of the survey in the following sites.
900-1100 Dhikurpokhari,
At Bahakot, Syangja (1100-1300m), mostly
1200 Bhadaure Tamangi,
3-4 years old orchard were observed free
from white stember borer (WSB).
At Karendada, Syangja (1100m), the plant
lost from the insect was observed to be
farmers themselves have been cultivating saplings
varieties distributed by the nursery grower in their
There was about 20 per cent plant loss due
locality. Therefore different varieties/collections of
to WSB at Malunga, Syangja (700 m).
coffee have been planted in different locations of the
In kaski - Deep, Puranchaur, Begnas area no
western mid hills to identify suitable cultivar of better
infestation was observed
quality and production.
Insect traps installed by Nepal-SIMI in Arjun
Chaupari and Malunga Syangja found
ineffective to trap the adult WSB.
Table 2: Fresh cherry yield of coffee (kg ha-1), 2066 (4th year plant age)
Pig litter @ 10 t ha-1
M. oilcake @2.5 t ha-1
Poultry manure @ 5 t ha-1
Note: 1= Maximum value, 2=Second higher value, L= Minimum value, GM= grand mean
7. Shade Management on Coffee
clean them and dry them to obtain the marketable
products, green or clean coffee. According to Wrigley
Coffee is shade loving plant. It requires at least 60%
1988, the harvested fruit of Arabica coffee consists
shade for better quality and production. In Pokhara,
winter temperature during December-January drops
39 percent pulp, 17 percent mucilage, 7 percent
down to 3-4 0C and frost appears occasionally. An
parchment husk, 37 percent of green bean
experiment showed that in this situation the survival
rate of coffee planted under non shade condition was
The following activities were carried out at the
observed to be almost nil. When two or more different
Station for postharvest processing of coffee.
plant species were grown in same land there will be
competition in so many growth factors. Therefore, it
Study on quality of coffee brandy prepared
is important to study about the suitable shade tree
from fresh coffee cherry pulp
for better coffee production at ARS Malepatan under
Last year (2066), coffee Brandy was prepared from
mid hill domain of western hills of Nepal. Following
fresh cherry pulp and its contents analyzed. The
shade provider plants trees are planted for the content of pH, alcohol, amyl alcohol (higher alcohol)
purpose such as Litchi (Litchi sinensis), Epil-Epil, Siris
total solid, lead, copper, iron, and methanol on
(Albizia sp), Macadamianut (Macadamia sps), Pumelo
Brandy was tested. Among them methanol content
(Citrus grandis Osbeck), Guava (Psidium guajava).
was <0.01 and lead was 0.77 mg/l. Both need to be
7. Collection, Conservation and Evaluation
free for human consumption, so this product was
of Coffee Genotypes
not recommended for human use. It was doubt
on contamination from materials used during
As a leading centre of coffee research system under
preparation. In this year the coffee Brandy was
NARC, ARS, Malepatan collected and maintained prepared with high precaution and will be analyzed
for confirmation to human use. Similarly a local type
plastic solar dryer was designed and developed by
Table 4: Collection of coffee
the Station. It helps to dry the parchment in faster
genotypes in ARS, (Hort.) Malepatan, Pokhara
rate than the normal sun drying in winter and may
help in maintaining the quality of the product.
Arghakhanchi Local
Bourbon Amarillo,
ARS (Hort.) is publishing research findings regularly
on coffee to share ideas and views among the
Annual Technical Report 2007/08
Annual Technical Report 2008/09
Annual Technical Reports 2009/10
Selection of suitable variety of coffee
grown under different organic means for
better quality and production at Malpatan
condition. Annual progress report (I, II, III,
IV) from FY 2006/07 to 2009/010. Jointly
published by ARS (Hort.) and NTCDB.
following genotypes at the station for further
research and together maintained a field gene
Research Attempt coffee farming. 2067.
bank. Station requested all concerned stakeholders
Published by NARC/ARS (Horticulture),
involved in coffee promotion in Nepal to provide
Malepatan, Pokhara (Nepali version).
coffee genotypes available them to ARS, Malepatan
to conserve as a future assets.
8. Postharvest study on coffee
The coffee cherry as it is harvested cannot be used. It
is necessary to remove the beans from the cherries,
Chaudhary J.N., Y. R. Bhusal, C. Adhikari andR.P. Yadav. 2009. Performance evaluation of
coffee genotypes in western hills of Nepal. Proceedings of the "Fifth National Seminar
on Horticulture held on 9th – 10th June, 2008 at Kathmandu, jointly published by
Coffee Guide. 2000. Central Coffee Research Institute, Coffee Research Station,
Chikmaglur, Karnataka, India.
Manandhar D. N. and Deep M. Shakya. 1996. Climate and Crops of Nepal. NARC. Swiss
Agency for Development and Cooperation , Nepal.
Thapa, K.B. ; R.B KC, Y. R. Bhusal, and Pathak, H.P 2009. Effect of different organic and
inorganic fertilizer combinations on plant growth of coffee. Proceedings of the "Fifth
National Seminar on Horticulture held on 9th – 10th June, 2008 at Kathmandu, jointly
published by NAST, NARC and NHS.
Thapa, K.B., R.B KC, R. Chaudhary, Y.R. Bhusal, and D.D. Paudel 2010, Selection of
suitable variety of coffee grown under different organic means for better quality and
production at Malepatan condition. Annual progress report (IV), FY 2009/010, jointly
published by ARS (Hort.), NARC and NTCDB, Regional Office, Malepatan, Pokhara.
Thapa, K.B., RB KC, and D.D. Paudel. 2067. Attempt on Coffee Research. NARC/ARS
(Horticulture), Malepatan, Pokhara.
Thapa, K.B., RB KC, and D.D. Paudel 2067. Researc attempts on coffee farming NARC/
ARS (Horticulture), Malepatan, Pokhara.
Wrigley G. 1988. Coffee. John Wiley and Sons Inc. New York, USA.
3.7 Comment on "Coffee Research and Development
in Nepal"
Surendra P Rijal 12
This paper on coffee research and development covers many aspects of coffee
research and development history of coffee, involvement of farm families, area,
production, processing, varietals trials in different elevations, publications on
coffee. We have to appreciate the efforts made by Malepatan based research on
coffee and the other line agencies including private sectors. With limited budget
and infrastructures like laboratory facilities, this much output is appreciable.
As coffee is a new technology for Nepal, the key persons involved in coffee research
and development still lack basic exposure on coffee research made so far by the
developed countries. Such exposure can guide key people in the right way while
formulating the research and development program on coffee. No one from the
research center nor from Coffee & Tea Development Section have any Indian or
foreign exposure on coffee
Our coffee is organic coffee and therefore we should be able to recommend organic
ways to supply fertilizers for coffee. In Indian conditions, 6000 kg fresh cherry give
1000 kg green bean which is extracted In India. It was found that for every 6,000 kg
of ripe coffee cherry (1 MT of green bean) removed from the plants, approximately
40 kg nitrogen (N), 2.2 kg phosphorus (P) and 53 kg potassium (K) must be replaced
yearly. ( The byproduct like
coffee pulp can be good source of organic fertilizer. We cannot rely on Indian or
other organic fertilizer without authorized tests. To ensure good coffee production,
reliable supply of organic fertilizer must be ensured. Our research must take this
point into consideration. Strong integration of livestock with coffee is essential to
ensure organic fertilizer for coffee plant.
Coffee is shade loving plant; there are many shades that are in practice in Nepal
and other countries. The shade should be friendly to coffee and income generating.
There are two types of shade a) Temporary b) Permanent. Our research has to
emphasis on finding which particular shade for any specific elevation and posture
will be economically good. We can review Indian and Myanmar practices and
replicate them in our conditions.
World's most costly coffee is from blue mountain of Jamaica. There is a coffee
variety named Blue Mountain. We have to keep in mind on such things while
selecting coffee variety. In coffee, cup quality is more important than quantity. In
yellow catura of coffee, two picking is sufficient to harvest coffee, tekasic may need
four pickings. We have to judge them from labor cost point of view. Performance of
the variety may not be always true for all areas; the pacamara (most popular variety
of Alsalvador) is poor for soil condition of Pokhara.
6. If coffee failing to comply with the above standards
is identified through the normal course of trade,
Single variety, single estate grown, organically importing members shall endeavor to notify the
grown, decaffeinated coffee, high elevation coffee
ICO of such shipments. As an example of what is
fetch better price in the international market. Our
meant by 'equivalent', 20 broken beans shall be
research and development must take these points
considered as equal to 1 defect rather than 5 broken
into consideration. Myanmar is entertaining such beans per defect in the case of coffees containing
standards for quality improvement on coffee. Our
large numbers of broken beans arising naturally, as
research and development should take these points
a feature of a particular cultivar. Such coffees shall be
into consideration. How far we can practice them?
clearly identified by a specific grade nomenclature.
How far our manpower and laboratory facility
permit them to practice? These points are in floor for
E. Measures for controlling the application
of the standards in exporting Member coun-
A. Minimum standards for exportable coffee
7. Each exporting Member shall develop and
1. Exporting Members shall not export coffee that:
implement national measures which ensure that
(a) for Arabica, has in excess of 86 defects per 300
no exports of green coffee fail to meet exportable
g sample (New York green coffee classification/
Brazilian method, or equivalent); and, for Robusta,
8. Exporting Members shall also endeavor to ensure
has in excess of 150 defects per 300 g (Vietnam,
that sub-standard green coffee is not included in
Indonesia, or equivalent);
the manufacture of processed coffee (roasted and
(b) for both Arabica and Robusta, has a moisture
soluble) that is exported.
content below 8 percent or in excess of 12.5 percent,
measured using the ISO 6673 method.
F Other measures
2. Where moisture percentages below 12.5 percent
are currently being achieved, members shall
endeavor to ensure that these are maintained or
9. Members shall seek immediately to identify
sources of external finance from appropriate
3. Exceptions to the 12.5 percent maximum moisture
institutions for studies and measures that support
content shall be permitted for specialty coffees that
the implementation of the program and, in particular,
traditionally have high moisture content, e.g. Indian
efforts to identify and put into practice cost-effective
Monsoonal coffees. Such coffees shall be clearly alternative uses for coffee of non- exportable quality.
identified by a specific grade nomenclature.
B. Certificates of Origin
10. All coffee supplied for export shall be labeled to
4. Exporting members shall only issue ICO Certificates
indicate that it is coffee as defined in Articles 2 and 36
of Origin for consignments of coffee
of the International Coffee Agreement 2001. Coffee
by-products shall be labeled as such.
that meet both the minimum defect and moisture
C. Cooperation by importing Members in
11. Members shall report to the Council on the
measures they have taken to implement this
Resolution and inform the Council of any difficulties
5. Importing members shall make their best in this connection. If such be the case the Council, if
endeavors to support the objectives of the Program.
so requested by a Member, may agree to give that
Member time to resolve such difficulties.
D. Measures to be taken in cases of non-
3.8 Activities and achievements of COPP and
its present activities in support of the
commercialization of coffee sub-sector
Prachanda Man Shrestha13 , badri Prasad bastakoti14
This paper presents a short overview of the efforts made by Coffee promotion
Program (CoPP) Helvetas Nepal for the commercialization of coffee sub sector
in Nepal. Also, the paper highlights the key achievements, opportunities and
problems faced by this sub sector.
Among various potential cash crops for commercialization by small holder farmers in
the mountains, coffee has proven to have a great potential to provide farmers a good
on-farm employment and income generation opportunities, and is well adapted
to the climatic conditions especially in the mid-hills at the altitude range of 800 m
to 1600 m for production of superior quality highland specialty coffee. The ease of
production of coffee and low input requirements means that even marginal lands are
suitable for the cultivation of coffee and even small holder farmers can grow coffee
in their existing farming systems with additional benefit of soil conservation and
positive environmental impact.
Despite these benefits, coffee has so far received little attention from Government
and other development agencies. There is no clear policy support for the
production, processing and marketing of coffee in the country. However, there
have been fragmented efforts to support the coffee sub-sector by motivating
farmers to grow coffee for domestic as well as international market. The major
bottleneck in the promotion of coffee in Nepal is the lack of resources to continue
the coffee promotion programme in the expanded area and continue the initiatives
of Helvetas Nepal to strengthen the producers' association to produce and market
the coffee certified as organic and fair-trade and to establish the coffee sub-sector
approach through the coordination. There is also need to support the government
develop human resources and improve collaboration and coordination among
coffee stakeholders including traders.
According to National Tea and Coffee Development Board (NTCDB) there are 32
districts producing coffee where production data is available. Fourteen districts
have established District Coffee Producer Association (DCPA) to support coffee
producer groups in the areas of technology dissemination and organizational
capacity building. Five Coffee Cooperative Unions (CCU) have been established
in Lalitpur, Syangja, Gorkha, Lamjung and Tanahu. CCUs are the federations of
primary coffee cooperatives (PCC) at the village level with the defined role of
collecting coffee from the farmers and processing it to produce dry parchment.
Similarly, CCU's role is to collect dry parchment from the PCCs and depending on
the capacity, either process it to make green bean for marketing or supply dry
parchment to the traders.
It is anticipated that Project for Agriculture Commercialization & Trade (PACT) will
have significant role in developing the coffee sub-sector since the project has
included coffee as one of the major commodities for intervention.
Role of Helvetas in Coffee Sub-Sector DevelopmentRealizing the need of systematic support on coffee production, processing,
marketing and organizational capacity building of the producer groups and
their associations to develop sustainable coffee value chain for the benefit of
13 Team Leader, Coffee Promotion Programme, Helvetas Nepal14 Senior Programme Officer, Coffee Promotion Programme, Helvetas Nepal
the small holder farmers, Helvetas Nepal has been
implementing Coffee Promotion Programme since
Coffee in CoPP Target
Districts then and now
The programme established a system of group
approach for coffee production and processing at the
village level and disseminated organic production
Number of Coffee Producer
and processing technology for the production of
high quality coffee.
Number of CPG Member
The Government, and more specifically the Ministry
of Agriculture Development (MoAC) and the Tea
Area Under Coffee (hectare)
and Coffee Development Board (NTCDB) have
Area Under Coffee Within CPGs NA
recognized the potential role of coffee for improving
the livelihood of many smallholder farmers and for
Coffee Production (metric ton)
developing a new cash crop that can fetch foreign
Coffee Production Within CPG
currency significantly. Over the past years the
Total Coffee Sales in Domestic
Government has cooperated closely with Helvetas
Market (metric ton)
in the development of the coffee sub-sector. With
Total Coffee Sales in Interna-
the support from Helvetas the Board established
tional Market (mt)
the Coffee Sub-Sector Working Group bringing
Productivity (kg/ha green
together the key stakeholders such as the Ministry of
Agriculture Development, the National Agricultural
Number of Primary Coffee
Research Council, representatives of the group of
coffee traders, representatives of producers. In 2008
Number of District Level Coffee None
the Working Group developed strategies for the
Cooperative Unions
development of the coffee sector.
Number of Cooperative
The Coffee Promotion Programme (CoPP) has been
able to disseminate organic coffee production and
packaging. Established linkage with fair-trade
processing technology to the small holder farmers to
buyers. First shipment by coffee producers'
capacitate them for conversion to organic production
cooperative sent in 2010
and processing. The producers' associations at
Number of Primary Coffee Cooperatives
the district and central level are strengthened and
registered increased from 21 to 36 and
formation of cooperatives are on going task with the
members with 1000 to 1741 in 2009 and 2010
Associations' own initiative for marketing of coffee to
benefit the producer members.
Drafted operating manual for organic
operator on organic production and
certification of coffee grown by smallholder
Establishment of a Coffee Sub-Sector Working Group
farmer groups in Nepal
Development of a strategic plan for the sub-
Traceability system for organic coffee
sector by the Working Group
handling developed and piloted
Total production of coffee green beans in
nine CoPP districts increased from 191 mt
Opportunities for Coffee in Nepal
in 2009 to 247 mt in 2010. Where as, coffee
High quality coffee can be produced in Nepal
production within the coffee producer
groups increased from 156 mt in 2009 to 218
Generates significant income for farm
household (upland)
Percentage of wet processed coffee increased
Organic production methods compatible
from 90% in 2008/09 to 93% in 2009/10, thus
with existing farming practices (No yield
increasing the quality of coffee.
reduction in conversion)
Farmers' cooperative of Lalitpur established
Easy integration of coffee into existing
central processing unit with facilities of
hulling, grading, roasting, grinding and
Coffee producers are organized at village,
district and central level
At processor/trader level:
Existing trade relationships with international
Quality management and monitoring
buyers, long term trading relationships with
systems are very weak.
Fair Trade buyers in Europe / Korea
Communication between traders and
Several certifying agencies active in Nepal:
NASAA, One Cert, Cert All, Ecocert.
Lack of institutionalized collection and supply
Many stakeholders in organic coffee
Quality management and monitoring
Producer groups/associations; Processor/
systems do not exist/Nepal coffee logo
traders; INGOs/NGOs, GOs, World Bank
National Organic Standard developed and
At sub-sector level:
Lack of coordination and collaboration
Government fund available for external
among stakeholders
inspection and organic certificate
Systems still lacking to actively manage the
Nepal coffee logo approved and awarded to
reputation of Nepali coffee in international
three processor/traders
speciality markets
Major problems in coffee sub-sector
Facilitation and support for close
collaboration between smallholder farmers,
At producer level:
processors, traders and regulators still weak.
Mandates and lead functions need to be
Initially coffee introduced as a crop suitable
for marginal uplands for soil conservation;
Weak research in development of organic
Effective and sustainable support for
coffee production and processing
smallholders still weak:
technologies. In addition, there lacks
structures which can facilitate to ensure
Expand coffee production;
quality systems e.g. cup testing laboratory,
Produce the quality and quantity of coffee
standard regulation and trade promotion
which the market demands
Lack of organic regulation: all coffee
No incentive to farmers for production of
produced in Nepal sold as organic in the
organic and better quality coffee (price
Late payments to producers by traders
Impact of PACT could be significant when
Producer groups do not have expertise
PACT interventions use the base already
to establish and manage internal control
developed by CoPP
systems ICS) for organic certification of
Develop and establish systems to ensure the
reputation of Nepali coffee in international
Government support on organic certification
speciality markets (Nepal coffee logo).
not targeted to small farmers (Subsidy
for organic certification provided only for
Allocate fund for research and development
external inspection not for ICS);
of organic coffee production and processing
Groups lack the capacity to link and deal with
markets which are beyond their local level
Establish cup testing facilities at coffee
cooperative union level
Equipment support (hulling and roasting)
Provide support to improve pulping and
from PACT if provided, should go with long
storage facilities.
term vision after analyzing the present
Need more bilateral interactions between
Provide support on area expansion to
PACT consultants and CoPP personnel
commercialize coffee production.
If PACT supports new districts outside
Provide support to set up ICS and
present coffee producing districts, support
certification of producer groups.
should continue for at least five years.
Supply chain structure for institutionalized collection and supply of coffee
Ms. Jiwan Prabha Lama, DFTQC
1. There should be a study to find out shelf life of green beans2. Coffee quality standards are prepared, but need to be harmonized3. Need to follow Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
Mr. Badri Prasad Bastakoti, CoPP, Helvetas
1. Major problems in coffee production and marketing are lack of working
capital. No need of subsidy if working capital is supplied easily from
Mr. Binayak Kumar Misra
1. Allow coffee cultivation in community forests2. Need to work on value addition3. PACT should work in the districts that are not included by other I/NGO or
4. Financing institutions should supply loan to coffee farmers at reasonable
5. Trade mark is provided to NCPA. It is OK for the time being6. Every effort on coffee need to carry with harmonization with NTCDP7. Coffee development Fund should be established
Mr. Gopi Prasad Dhungana, NCPA
1. Need to maintain revolving fund 2. There are many institutions involved such as HELVETAS, NTCDP, NCP, NARC,
DOA and others without proper coordination.
Mr. Hem Raj Regmi, MOAC
1. Make a high level team to prepare long term vision in this sector
Mr. Haribabu Tiwari, MOAC
1. Need to analyze value addition and comparative advantage of coffee Vs
other crops before promoting it
2. In many instances coffee can be grown in marginal lands and provide
employments: good alternate to those going abroad for employment
3. Irrigation should be arranged through rain harvesting4. Coffee cultivation should be consolidated in bigger blocks rather than
scattered in different places.
Dr. Bhabeswor Pangeni, Highland Coffe
1. Government should arrange proper coordination2. Some companies eg. Highland Coffee have started cultivation on leased
land which should be promoted
3. Altitude should be considered in coffee cultivation, plant die after a few
years if cultivated in low altitude
4. Payment issue (delayed payment to farmers by traders) is a issue of past,
now there is no such issue
5. Coffee starts production from 6th year, full payback in 15 years and continues
economic production up to 50 years
6. Research should come up with the best varieties of coffee for different
altitude and micro-climates
7. Disseminate technology of cultivating multiple cropping (multi storey
farming) with coffee : shading trees, coffee, under crops
Mr. Durga Prashad Uprety, Agricultural Product Export Promotion Center
1. Government has already allocated fund for certification which can be partly
used for Internal Control System (ICS) of coffee production
Mr. Shyam Bhandari, Nepal Coffee Producers Association
1. No real effort has been made to commercialize coffee production: most of
the past efforts were concentrated on employment and income generation
of Dalit, Janjati and deprived communities
2. Single institute should be coordinating the coffee production/trade related
Mr. Purna Chhetri, World Bank
1. Ethiopia is the country that competes directly with Nepal: need to study
2. Special attention required in market promotion3. Politics should not destroy the quality of coffee
Ms. Gayatri Acharya, World Bank
1. Observe what other countries with similar condition are doing?2. Raise the number of opportunities to every stakeholders3. United coordinated effort are required4. Continue this type of interaction among the stakeholders
Mr. Nathu P. Chaudhari, Secretary, MOAC
1. Lack sufficient area coverage and production technologies2. Lack of quality assurance is the major problem3. Note that only 2% of the marketed product is organic certified in the world4. More certifying agencies are required to cover all products5. Don't always promote large farmers: small farmers can be organized for
larger quantity production
6. Government will continue all the effort made by I/NGOs and PACT after they
cease to continue
7. Coordination/collaboration required among GON, private sector, public
sector and NGOs.
8. Promote bio-technology, bio-pesticide and appropriate technology
Annex 1: Schedule of Coffee Sub-Sector Workshop
Date : 11 April 2011 (2067/12/28, Monday)
Venue : GANGZONG Hotel, Lazimpat, Kathmandu
Time : 9:00 - 14:00
Chair Person: Mr Nathu Prasad Chaudhary, Secretary, MOAC
Chairing of the Workshop: Mr. N.P. Chaudhary, Secretary, MOAC
Welcome and Importance of Value Chain in Coffee Sub-Sector Analysis, Mr Yogen-
dra Kumar Karki, Project Director, Project for Agricultural commercialization and
Opportunities and Challenges of Coffee Production and Marketing in PACT
Districts, DCPA Lalitpur, Syangja, Kaski and Kavre. Ms. Maya Tiwari, District Coffee
Producers Association (DCPA), Syangja
Activities and achievements of Coffee Promotion Project and its present activities
in support of the commercialization of coffee sub-sector, Mr. Prachand Man Shres-
tha, Coffee Promotion Program (COPP), Helvetas Nepal
Comments by: Mr. Dhakeswor Ghimire, Nepal Organic Coffee Product….
Actors and stakeholders involved in coffee sub-sector and their roles in commer-
cial production of coffee, Mr Shyam Bhandari, Nepal Coffee Producers Association
Comments by: Mr Binaya Mishra, Coffee Sub-sector Specialist, Tea and Coffee
Development Board (NTCDB)
Present State of Coffee Production in Nepal: Opportunities and Challenges in Com-
mercialization of Coffee sub-sector, Bhola Kumar Shrestha, NTCDB
Comments by: Dr. Pradip Maharjan, Agro Enterprise Center (AEC), Federation of
Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI)
Marketing of Coffee in Nepal with focus on Import and Export Market, Mr. Vimal
Nepal, Trade Promotion Centre (TPC).
Comment: Mr Kamal Gautam, Agribusiness Promotion and Marketing Directorate
Research and Development in Coffee Sub-sector, Ram Bahadur KC, Nepal Agricul-
tural Research Council (NARC)
Comment: Mr. Surendra Rijal, Tea and Coffee Development Section, Department of
Agriculture (DOA)
Summary and conclusions, Dr Kamal Raj Paudyal, PACT
Comments and suggestions from the floor
Jiwan Prabha Lama, DFTQC
Badri Prasad Bastakoti, COPP, Helvetas,
Binayak Kumar Misra, Tea and Coffee Development Board
Gopi Prasad Dhungana, NCPA
Mr. Hem Raj Regmi, MOAC
Mr. Haribabu Tiwari, MOAC
Dr. Bhabeshwor Pangeni, High Land Coffee
Mr. Durga Prashad Uprety, Agri-Commodity Export Promotion Program
Mr. Shyam P. Bhandari, NCPA
Mr. Purna Chhetri, Worldbank
Few Words: Ms Gayatri Acharya, Senior Economist, World Bank
Vote of Thanks, Dr. Ram Kumar Mandal, PACT
Remarks from the Chairperson and Closing
Annex 2: List of Participants
Nathu Prasad Chudhari
Ministry of Agriculture & Cooperatives
Senior Rural Development Officer
Surendra Prashad Rijal
Senior C.T.D.Officer
Coffee & Tea Dev.section,Kritipur
Govt. Prog. Dev. Specialist
Program director
Fruit Dev. Directorate
Manager Agi.&Income Generation
Education for Income
Gopi Prashad Dhungana
General Secretary.
Dhakeswar Ghimere
Shyam Prashad Bhandari
Narayan Prashad Dahal
Dr. Kamal R. Paudyal
VC Development Specialist
Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist
Bhola Kumar Shrestha
Technical officer
National Tea & Coffee Dev. Board
Om Nath Adhikari
Agri-business Promotion and Market-
ing Development Directorate
Durga Prashad Uprety
Agri-Commodity Export Promotion
Kulchandra Adhikari
Program Director
Dr. Punya Prashad Regmi
Bharat Bahadur Karki
Prem Prashad Dhungana
Procurement Specialist
Dr. Hari Babu Tiwari
Ministry of Agriculture
Dr. Bhaveshwar Pangeni
Highland Coffee Promotionco.Ltd.ktm.
Prachand Man Shretha
Badri Prashad Bastakoti
Ram Bahadur K.C.
NARC, ARS,Malepatan
Janak Raj Sapkota
Hari Bahadur Bohora
Mount Digit Technology
Shekhar Singh Thapa
Mount Digit Technology
Netra Bahadur Bhandari
Agri-Extension Officer
Market Research & Statistics Mng. Prog. 9841572079
Lakshan Kumar Pokhrel
Bhagirath Acharya
Procurement Assistant
Dharma Laxmi Shrestha
Asdministrative Officer
Deep Narayan Gupta
Computer Operator
Computer Operator
Progress Magazine
Govinda Chimauriya
Trade Promotion Center
Annex 3: Presentation Materials
1. Introduction and Objectives
Mr. Yogendra Kumar Karki, Project Director, PaCT
2. Present State of Coffee Production in Nepal
Mr. bhola Kumar Shrestha, Technical Officer, nTCDb
3. Export scenario of Nepal Coffee
Mr. bimal nepal, Director, TePC
4. Actors and Stakeholders in Coffee Sub-sector
Mr. Shyam P. bhandari, Chair person, nCPa
5. Opportunities and Challenges in Coffee Production
Mrs. Maya Tiwari, DCPa, Syangja
6. Research and Development in Coffee Sub-sector
Mr. Ram bahadur KC, naRC
7. Activities and achievements of CoPP and its present activities in support of
the commercialization of coffee sub-sector
Mr. Prachanda Man shrestha, CoPP, Helvetas
The Coffee
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Agriculture Development
Project for Agriculture Commercialization and Trade
Sallaghari, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: +977-1-4017765 Fax: +977-1-4373236
Web site:, Email: [email protected]
Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 31 (2006) 574 – 585 NMDA receptors mediate calcium-dependent, bidirectional changes indendritic PICK1 clustering K.G. Sossa, B.L. Court, and R.C. Carroll* Department of Neuroscience, Rose Kennedy Center for Mental Retardation, 1410 Pelham Parkway,Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY 10461, USA Received 16 August 2005; revised 7 November 2005; accepted 22 November 2005Available online 10 January 2006
Publication of the Veterinary Association of Zambia—Vol. 4 (4) THE VETERINARIAN Position Statement from the Veterinary Association of Zambia on the use of "Veterinary Prescriptions" to purchase "Prescription-Only Medications" from veterinary drug outlets The Veterinary Association of Zambia Executive Committee dosages, and for the wrong conditions). Greater veterinary