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How clean, green atomic energy can stop
By Peter Schwartz and Spencer Reiss
On a cool spring morning a quarter century ago, a place in
Pennsylvania called Three Mile Island exploded into the headlines and
stopped the US nuclear power industry in its tracks. What had been
billed as the clean, cheap, limitless energy source for a shining future
was suddenly too hot to handle.
In the years since, we've searched for alternatives, pouring billions of
dollars into windmills, solar panels, and biofuels. We've designed
fantastically efficient lightbulbs, air conditioners, and refrigerators. We've
built enough gas-fired generators to bankrupt California. But mainly, each
year we hack 400 million more tons of coal out of Earth's crust than we
did a quarter century before, light it on fire, and shoot the proceeds into
he consequences aren't pretty. Burning coal and other fossil fuels is
driving climate change, which is blamed for everything from western
forest fires and Florida hurricanes to melting polar ice sheets and flooded
Himalayan hamlets. On top of that, coal-burning electric power plants
have fouled the air with enough heavy metals and other noxious
pollutants to cause 15,000 premature deaths annually in the US alone,
according to a Harvard School of Public Health study. Believe it or not, a
coal-fired plant releases 100 times more radioactive material than an
equivalent nuclear reactor - right into the air, too, not into some carefully
guarded storage site. (And, by the way, more than 5,200 Chinese coal
miners perished in accidents last year.)
Burning hydrocarbons is a luxury that a planet with 6 billion energy-
hungry souls can't afford. There's only one sane, practical alternative:
We now know that the risks of splitting atoms pale beside the
dreadful toll exacted by fossil fuels. Radiation containment, waste disposal,
and nuclear weapons proliferation are manageable problems in a way that
global warming is not. Unlike the usual green alternatives - water, wind,
solar, and biomass - nuclear energy is here, now, in industrial quantities.
Sure, nuke plants are expensive to build - upward of $2 billion apiece - but
they start to look cheap when you factor in the true cost to people and the
planet of burning fossil fuels. And nuclear is our best hope for cleanly and
efficiently generating hydrogen, which would end our other ugly
hydrocarbon addiction-dependence on gasoline and diesel for transport.
Some of the world's most thoughtful greens have discovered the logic
of nuclear power, including Gaia theorist James Lovelock, Greenpeace
cofounder Patrick Moore, and Britain's Bishop Hugh Montefiore, a
longtime board member of Friends of the Earth (see "Green vs. Green,"
page 82). Western Europe is quietly backing away from planned nuclear
phaseouts. Finland has ordered a big reactor specifically to meet the terms
of the Kyoto Protocol on climate change. China's new nuke plants - 26 by
2025 - are part of a desperate effort at smog control.
Even the shell-shocked US nuclear industry is coming out of its
stupor. The 2001 report of Vice President Cheney's energy task force was
only the most high profile in a series of pro-nuke developments. Nuke
boosters are especially buoyed by more efficient plant designs, streamlined
licensing procedures, and the prospect of federal subsidies.
In fact, new plants are on the way, however tentatively. Three groups
of generating companies have entered a bureaucratic maze expected to lead
to formal applications for plants by 2008. If everything breaks right, the
first new reactors in decades will be online by 2014. If this seems
ambitious, it's not; the industry hopes merely to hold on to nuclear's
current 20 percent of the rapidly growing US electric power market.
That's not nearly enough. We should be shooting to match France,
which gets 77 percent of its electricity from nukes. It's past time for a
decisive leap out of the hydrocarbon era, time to send King Coal and,
soon after, Big Oil shambling off to their well-deserved final resting places-
maybe on a nostalgic old steam locomotive.
Besides, wouldn't it be a blast to barrel down the freeway in a
hydrogen Hummer with a clean conscience as your copilot? Or not to feel
like a planet killer every time you flick on the A/C? That's how the
future could be, if only we would get over our fear of the nuclear
bogeyman and forge ahead-for real this time - into the atomic age.
The granola crowd likes to talk about conservation and efficiency, and
surely substantial gains can be made in those areas. But energy is not a
luxury people can do without, like a gym membership or hair gel. The
developed world built its wealth on cheap power - burning firewood, coal,
petroleum, and natural gas, with carbon emissions the inevitable
Indeed, material progress can be tracked in what gets pumped out of
smokestacks. An hour of coal-generated 100-watt electric light creates 0.05
pounds of atmospheric carbon, a bucket of ice makes 0.3 pounds, an
hour's car ride 5. The average American sends nearly half a ton of carbon
spewing into the atmosphere every month. Europe and Japan are a little
more economical, but even the most remote forest-burning peasants
happily do their part.
And the worst - by far - is yet to come. An MIT study forecasts that
worldwide energy demand could triple by 2050. China could build a
Three Gorges Dam every year forever and still not meet its growing
demand for electricity. Even the carbon reductions required by the Kyoto
Protocol - which pointedly exempts developing countries like China - will
be a drop in the atmospheric sewer.
What is a rapidly carbonizing world to do? The high-minded answer,
of course, is renewables. But the notion that wind, water, solar, or
biomass will save the day is at least as fanciful as the once-popular idea that
nuclear energy would be too cheap to meter. Jesse Ausubel, director of the
human environment program at New York's Rockefeller University, calls
renewable energy sources "false gods" - attractive but powerless. They're
capital- and land-intensive, and solar is not yet remotely cost-competitive.
Despite all the hype, tax breaks, and incentives, the proportion of US
electricity production from renewables has actually fallen in the past 15
years, from 11.0 percent to 9.1 percent.
The decline would be even worse without hydropower, which
accounts for 92 percent of the world's renewable electricity. While dams
in the US are under attack from environmentalists trying to protect wild
fish populations, the Chinese are building them on an ever grander scale.
But even China's autocrats can't get past Nimby. Stung by criticism of the
monumental Three Gorges project - which required the forcible
relocation of 1 million people - officials have suspended an even bigger
project on the Nu Jiang River in the country's remote southwest. Or
maybe someone in Beijing questioned the wisdom of reacting to climate
change with a multibillion-dollar bet on rainfall.
Solar power doesn't look much better. Its number-one problem is
cost: While the price of photovoltaic cells has been slowly dropping, solar-
generated electricity is still four times more expensive than nuclear (and
more than five times the cost of coal). Maybe someday we'll all live in
houses with photovoltaic roof tiles, but in the real world, a run-of-the-mill
1,000-megawatt photovoltaic plant will require about 60 square miles of
panes alone. In other words, the largest industrial structure ever built.
Wind is more promising, which is one reason it's the lone renewable
attracting serious interest from big-time equipment manufacturers like
General Electric. But even though price and performance are expected to
improve, wind, like solar, is inherently fickle, hard to capture, and widely
dispersed. And wind turbines take up a lot of space; Ausubel points out
that the wind equivalent of a typical utility plant would require 300 square
miles of turbines plus costly transmission lines from the wind-scoured
fields of, say, North Dakota. Alternatively, there's California's Altamont
Pass, where 5,400 windmills slice and dice some 1,300 birds of prey
What about biomass? Ethanol is clean, but growing the amount of
cellulose required to shift US electricity production to biomass would
require farming - no wilting organics, please - an area the size of 10 Iowas.
Among fossil fuels, natural gas holds some allure; it emits a third as
much carbon as coal. That's an improvement but not enough if you're
serious about rolling back carbon levels. Washington's favorite solution is
so-called clean coal, ballyhooed in stump speeches by both President Bush
(who offered a $2 billion research program) and challenger John Kerry
(who upped the ante to $10 billion). But most of the work so far has been
aimed at reducing acid rain by cutting sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide
emissions, and more recently gasifying coal to make it burn cleaner.
Actual zero-emissions coal is still a lab experiment that even fans say could
double or triple generating costs. It would also leave the question of what
to do with 1 million tons of extracted carbon each year.
By contrast, nuclear power is thriving around the world despite
decades of obituaries. Belgium derives 58 percent of its electricity from
nukes, Sweden 45 percent, South Korea 40, Switzerland 37 percent, Japan
31 percent, Spain 27 percent, and the UK 23 percent. Turkey plans to
build three plants over the next several years. South Korea has eight more
reactors coming, Japan 13, China at least 20. France, where nukes generate
more than three-quarters of the country's electricity, is privatizing a third
of its state-owned nuclear energy group, Areva, to deal with the rush of
The last US nuke plant to be built was ordered in 1973, yet nuclear
power is growing here as well. With clever engineering and smart
management, nukes have steadily increased their share of generating
capacity in the US. The 103 reactors operating in the US pump out
electricity at more than 90 percent of capacity, up from 60 percent when
Three Mile Island made headlines. That increase is the equivalent of
adding 40 new reactors, without bothering anyone's backyard or spewing
any more carbon into the air.
So atomic power is less expensive than it used to be - but could it
possibly be cost-effective? Even before Three Mile Island sank, the US
nuclear industry was foundering on the shoals of economics. Regulatory
delays and billion-dollar construction-cost overruns turned the business
into a financial nightmare. But increasing experience and efficiency gains
have changed all that. Current operating costs are the lowest ever - 1.82
cents per kilowatt-hour versus 2.13 cents for coal-fired plants and 3.69
cents for natural gas. The ultimate vindication of nuclear economics is
playing out in the stock market: Over the past five years, the stocks of
leading nuclear generating companies such as Exelon and Entergy have
more than doubled. Indeed, Exelon is feeling so flush that it bought New
Jersey's Public Service Enterprise Group in December, adding four
reactors to its former roster of 17.
This remarkable success suggests that nuclear energy realistically could
replace coal in the US without a cost increase and ultimately lead the way
to a clean, green future. The trick is to start building nuke plants and keep
building them at a furious pace. Anything less leaves carbon in the
climatic driver's seat.
A decade ago, anyone thinking about constructing nuclear plants in
the US would have been dismissed as out of touch with reality. But today,
for the first time since the building of Three Mile Island, new nukes in the
US seem possible. Thanks to improvements in reactor design and
increasing encouragement from Washington, DC, the nuclear industry is
posed for unlikely revival. "All the planets seem to be coming into
alignment," says David Brown, VP for congressional affairs at Exelon.
The original US nuclear plants, built during the 1950s and ‘60s, were
descended from propulsion units in 1950s-vintage nuclear submarines,
now known as generation I. During the '80s and '90s, when new
construction halted in the US, the major reactor makers - GE Power
Systems, British-owned Westinghouse, France's Framatome (part of
Areva), and Canada's AECL - went after customers in Europe. This new
round of business led to system improvements that could eventually, after
some prototyping, be deployed back in the US.
By all accounts, the latest reactors, generation III+, are a big
improvement. They're fuel-efficient. They employ passive safety
technologies, such as gravity-fed emergency cooling rather than pumps.
Thanks to standardized construction, they may even be cost-competitive
to build - $1,200 per kilowatt-hour of generating capacity versus more
than $1,300 for the latest low-emission (which is not to say low-carbon)
coal plants. But there's no way to know for sure until someone actually
builds one. And even then, the first few will almost certainly cost more.
Prodded by the Cheney report, the US Department of Energy agreed
in 2002 to pick up the tab of the first hurdle - getting from engineering
design to working blueprints. Three groups of utility companies and
reactor makers have stepped up for the program, optimistically dubbed
Nuclear Power 2010. The government's bill to taxpayers for this stage of
development could top $500 million, but at least we'll get working
reactors rather than "promising technologies."
But newer, better designs don't free the industry from the intense
public oversight that has been nuclear power's special burden from the
start. Believe it or not, Three Mile Island wasn't the ultimate nightmare;
that would be Shoreham, the Long Island power plant shuttered in 1994
after a nine-year legal battle, without ever having sold a single electron.
Construction was already complete when opponents challenged the
plant's application for an operating license. Wall Street won't invest
billions in new plants ($5.5 billion in Shoreham's case) without a clear
path through the maze of judges and regulators.
Shoreham didn't die completely in vain. The 1992 Energy Policy Act
aims to forestall such debacles by authorizing the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission to issue combined construction and operating licenses. It also
allows the NRC to pre-certify specific reactor models and the energy
companies to bank preapproved sites. Utility executives fret that no one
has ever road-tested the new process, which still requires public hearings
and shelves of supporting documents. An idle reactor site at Browns
Ferry, Alabama, could be an early test case; the Tennessee Valley
Authority is exploring options to refurbish it rather than start from
Meanwhile, Congress looks ready to provide a boost to the nuclear
energy industry. Pete Domenici (R-New Mexico), chair of the Senate's
energy committee and the patron saint of nuclear power in Washington,
has vowed to revive last year's energy bill, which died in the Senate.
Earlier versions included a 1.85 cent per-kilowatt-hour production tax
credit for the first half-dozen nuke plants to come online. That could add
up to as much as $8 billion in federal outlays and should go a long way
toward luring Wall Street back into the fray. As pork goes, the provision
is easy to defend. Nuclear power's extraordinary startup costs and safety
risks make it a special case for government intervention. And the amount
is precisely the same bounty Washington spends annually in tax credits for
wind, biomass, and other zero-emission kilowattage.
Safer plants, more sensible regulation, and even a helping hand from
Congress - all are on the way. What's still missing is a place to put
radioactive waste. By law, US companies that generate nuclear power pay
the Feds a tenth of a cent per kilowatt-hour to dispose of their spent fuel.
The fund - currently $24 billion and counting - is supposed to finance a
permanent waste repository, the ill-fated Yucca Mountain in Nevada.
Two decades ago when the payments started, opening day was scheduled
for January 31, 1998. But the Nevada facility remains embroiled in
hearings, debates, and studies, and waste is piling up at 30-odd sites around
the country. Nobody will build a nuke plant until Washington offers a
better answer than "keep piling."
At Yucca Mountain, perfection has been the enemy of adequacy. It's
fun to discuss what the design life of an underground nuclear waste facility
ought to be. One hundred years? Two hundred years? How about
100,000? A quarter of a million? Science fiction meets the US government
budgeting process. In court!
But throwing waste into a black hole at Yucca Mountain isn't such a
great idea anyway. For one thing, in coming decades we might devise
better disposal methods, such as corrosion-proof containers that can
withstand millennia of heat and moisture. For another, used nuclear fuel
can be recycled as a source for the production of more energy. Either way,
it's clear that the whole waste disposal problem has been misconstrued.
We don't need a million-year solution. A hundred years will do just fine -
long enough to let the stuff cool down and allow us to decide what to do
The name for this approach is interim storage: Find a few patches of
isolated real estate - we're not talking about taking it over for eternity -
and pour nice big concrete pads; add floodlights, motion detectors, and
razor wire; truck in nuclear waste in bombproof 20-foot-high concrete
casks. Voil?safe storage while you wait for either Yucca Mountain or plan
Two dozen reactor sites around the country already have their own
interim facilities; a private company has applied with the NRC to open
one on the Goshute Indian reservation in Skull Valley, Utah. Establishing
a half- dozen federally managed sites is closer to the right idea. Domenici
says he'll introduce legislation this year for a national interim storage
A handful of new US plants will be a fine start, but the real goal has
to be dethroning King Coal and - until something better comes along -
pushing nuclear power out front as the world's default energy source.
Kicking carbon cold turkey won't be easy, but it can be done. Four crucial
steps can help increase the momentum: Regulate carbon emissions,
revamp the fuel cycle, rekindle innovation in nuclear technology, and,
finally, replace gasoline with hydrogen.
Regulate carbon emissions.
Nuclear plants have to account for every radioactive atom of waste.
Meanwhile, coal-fired plants dump tons of deadly refuse into the
atmosphere at zero cost. It's time for that free ride to end, but only the
government can make it happen.
The industry seems ready to pay up. Andy White, CEO of GE
Energy's nuclear division, recently asked a roomful of US utility
executives what they thought about the possibility of regulating carbon
emissions. The idea didn't faze them. "The only question any of them
had," he says, "was when and how much."
A flat-out carbon tax is almost certainly a nonstarter in Washington.
But an arrangement in which all energy producers are allowed a limited
number of carbon pollution credits to use or sell could pass muster; after
all, this kind of cap-and-trade scheme is already a fact of life for US
utilities with a variety of other pollutants. Senators John McCain and Joe
Lieberman have been pushing legislation such a system. This would send a
clear message to utility executives that fossil energy's free pass is over.
Recycle nuclear fuel
Here's a fun fact: Spent nuclear fuel - the stuff intended for permanent
disposal at Yucca Mountain - retains 95 percent of its energy content.
Imagine what Toyota could do for fuel efficiency if 95 percent of the
average car's gasoline passed through the engine and out the tailpipe. In
France, Japan, and Britain, nuclear engineers do the sensible thing: recycle.
Alone among the nuclear powers, the US doesn't, for reasons that have
nothing to do with nuclear power.
Recycling spent fuel - the technical word is reprocessing - is one way
to make the key ingredient of a nuclear bomb, enriched uranium. In 1977,
Jimmy Carter, the only nuclear engineer ever to occupy the White House,
banned reprocessing in the US in favor of a so-called once-through fuel
cycle. Four decades later, more than a dozen countries reprocess or enrich
uranium, including North Korea and Iran. At this point, hanging onto
spent fuel from US reactors does little good abroad and real mischief at
The Bush administration has reopened the door with modest funding
to resume research into the nuclear fuel cycle. The president himself has
floated a proposal to provide all comers with a guaranteed supply of
reactor fuel in exchange for a promise not to reprocess spent fuel
themselves. Other proposals would create a global nuclear fuel company,
possibly under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
This company would collect, reprocess, and distribute fuel to every nation
in the world, thus keeping potential bomb fixings out of circulation.
In the short term, reprocessing would maximize resources and
minimize the problem of how to dispose of radioactive waste. In fact, it
would eliminate most of the waste from nuclear power production. Over
decades, it could also ease pressure on uranium supplies. The world's
existing reserves are generally reckoned sufficient to withstand 50 years of
rapid nuclear expansion without a significant price increase. In a pinch,
there's always the ocean, whose 4.5 billion tons of dissolved uranium can
be extracted today at 5 to 10 times the cost of conventional mining.
Uranium is so cheap today that reprocessing is more about reducing
waste than stretching the fuel supply. But advanced breeder reactors,
which create more fuel as they generate power, could well be the
economically competitive choice - and renewable as well.
Rekindle innovation.
Although nuclear technology has come a long way since Three Mile
Island, the field is hardly a hotbed of innovation. Government-funded
research - such as the DOE's Next Generation Nuclear Plant program - is
aimed at designing advanced reactors, including high temperature, gas-
cooled plants of the kind being built in China and South Africa and fast-
breeder reactors that will use uranium 60 times more efficiently than
today's reactors. Still, the nuclear industry suffers from its legacy of
having been born under a mushroom cloud and raised by your local
electric company. A tight leash on nuclear R&D may be good, even
necessary. But there's nothing like a little competition to spur creativity.
That's reason enough to want to see US companies squarely back on the
nuclear power field - research is great, but more and smarter buyers
ultimately drive quality up and prices down.
In fact, the possibility of a nuclear gold rush - not just a modest
rebirth - depends on economics as much as technology. The generation IV
pebble-bed reactors being developed in China and South Africa get
attention for their meltdown-proof designs. (See "Let a Thousand Reactors
Bloom," issue 12.09.) But it's their low capital cost and potential for fast,
modular construction that could blow the game open, as surely as the PC
did for computing. As long as investments come in $2 billion increments,
purchase orders will be few and far between. At $300 million a pop for
safe, clean energy, watch the floodgates open around the world.
Replace gasoline with hydrogen.
If a single change could truly ignite nuclear power, it's the grab bag of
technologies and wishful schemes traveling under the rubric of the
hydrogen economy. Leaving behind petroleum is as important to the
planet's future as eliminating coal. The hitch is that it takes energy to
extract hydrogen from substances like methane and water. Where will it
Today, the most common energy source for producing hydrogen is
natural gas, followed by oil. It's conceivable that renewables could do it in
limited quantities. By the luck of physics, though, two things nuclear
reactors do best - generate both electricity and very high temperatures-are
exactly what it takes to produce hydrogen most efficiently. Last
November, the DOE's Idaho National Engineering and Environmental
Laboratory showed how a single next-gen nuke could produce the
hydrogen equivalent of 400,000 gallons of gasoline every day. Nuclear
energy's potential for freeing us not only from coal but also oil holds the
promise of a bright green future for the US and the world at large.
The more seriously you take the idea of global warming, the more
seriously you have to take nuclear power. Clean coal, solar-powered
roof tiles, wind farms in North Dakota - they're all pie in the
emissions-free sky. Sure, give them a shot. But zero-carbon reactors
are here and now. We know we can build them. Their price tag is no
mystery. They fit into the existing electric grid without a hitch.
Flannel-shirted environmentalists who fight these realities run the
risk of ending up with as much soot on their hands as the slickest coal-
America's voracious energy appetite doesn't have to be a bug - it can
be a feature. Shanghai, Seoul, and S?Paolo are more likely to look to Los
Angeles or Houston as a model than to some solar-powered idyll. Energy
technology is no different than any other; innovation can change all the
rules. But if the best we can offer the developing world is bromides about
energy independence, we'll deserve the carbon-choked nightmare of a
Nuclear energy is the big bang still reverberating. It's the power to
light a city in a lump the size of a soda can. Peter Huber and Mark Mills
have written an iconoclastic new book on energy, The Bottomless Well.
They see nuclear power as merely the latest in a series of technologies that
will gradually eliminate our need to carve up huge swaths of the planet.
"Energy isn't the problem. Energy is the solution," they write. "Energy
begets more energy. The more of it we capture and put to use, the more
readily we will capture still more."
The best way to avoid running out of fossil fuels is to switch to
something better. The Stone Age famously did not end for lack of stones,
and neither should we wait for the last chunk of anthracite to flicker out
before we kiss hydrocarbons good-bye. Especially not when something
cleaner, safer, more efficient, and more abundant is ready to roll. It's time
The environmental movement, once staunchly antinuclear, is facing
resistance from within.
by Amanda Griscom Little From Greenpeace to the Green Party,
some of the most prominent environmental groups today made their
reputations in the 1970s as opponents of nuclear power. So it was no
wonder that greens were vexed last summer when prime minister
Tony Blair proposed a new generation of nuclear power plants for
Britain to confront the problem of climate change. But what galled
them even more was the response to Blair from Hugh Montefiore, a
former Anglican bishop and longtime trustee of Friends of the Earth.
Writing in the British journal The Tablet in October, Montefiore
committed what colleagues viewed as the ultimate betrayal: "I have
now come to the conclusion that the solution [to global warming] is
to make more use of nuclear energy." When Montefiore told fellow
trustees that he planned to speak out, they made him resign his post.
Montefiore isn't the only dyed-in-the-wool green who has been exiled
for advocating nuclear power. Greenpeace cofounder Patrick Moore left
the organization after embracing atomic energy. British biologist James
Lovelock, whose Gaia theory was an environmental watchword before he
turned pro-nuke, is now persona non grata within the movement. "There
are members of my former organization who would agree with me but
have not gone public about the matter," Montefiore laments. "If only we
had a few more people who would stick their necks out, it would help."
Maybe not. Consider the green reaction to the National Commission
on Energy Policy, whose board of directors includes a Harvard professor
emeritus of environmental policy and a senior attorney at the Natural
Resources Defense Council. In December, the commission released a 150-
page report that proposed reinvigorating the nuclear industry with
billions in subsidies. The US must seek "a substantial expansion" of atomic
power to counter climate change, the report said. Environmental groups
bristled. The NRDC rejected the report's nuclear section as "old-style
thinking." Members of Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, and the Union of
Concerned Scientists heaved their own brickbats.
So what would it take for environmentalists to accept nukes?
Although green opinions vary, sources in the movement say much of the
resistance would soften if the industry dealt with four persistent issues.
The top priority for many environmentalists is to counter
proliferation of nuclear weapons. To stem the creation of weapons-grade
materials, they want to prohibit plants from recycling fuel and install
robust security at reactor fuel production facilities. Second, to diminish
the risk of Chernobyl-style accidents, they'd like to see aging plants
updated, safety protocols strengthened, and oversight tightened. Third,
greens want a secure place to put waste. Yucca Mountain in Nevada, they
say, needs to be proven capable of holding radioactive refuse for the
hundreds of thousands of years it will take to decay; alternatively, a
national system of short-term interim storage might be acceptable. Fourth,
environmentalists insist that uranium mines, which are notorious
polluters, employ cleaner extraction methods and submit to tougher
environmental regulations.
"If our concerns were thoroughly addressed, there could be a greater
role for commercial nuclear power that we would support," says Geoffrey
Fettus, senior project attorney at the NRDC. "But the devil is in the
details, and the industry hasn't acknowledged that the problems even
While none of the leading environmental groups are going to lead the
nuclear charge, insiders say the Union of Concerned Scientists has a
growing pro-nuke faction. But don't look for a trend. "I want to drive a
stake through the heart of the nuclear industry," says Greenpeace senior
nuclear policy analyst Jim Ricchio. "I don't expect that to change."
Harmer's Haven Residents and Ratepayers Group Minutes of meeting of AGM Sunday 31 March 31 2013 11.00 am, 86 Viminaria Road Present: Ros Eason, Rosemary Paterson, Tom Patterson, Amaryl Perlesz, Val Grant,Ron Thomas, Cristine Larner, Luciano Furfaro, John Old, Luisa Macmillan, RichardTanter, Corinn Lim. Apologies: Helen Collyer, Suzie Walker, Diane McLaughlin, Uly Michel, Dave Lane,Maria Zerella, Aneta Marovich, Sally Murray Whiting, Geoff Whiting, Judy and TerryPederson.Visitors Neil Rankine (councilor), David Hol yfield, Jessica (Shut the Gate campaign)(attended later).
Cancer de la prostate métastatique ou localement avancé Le docetaxel (Taxotere®, Sanofi) change le paradigmeDominique-Jean Bouilliez Divisée en 3 chapitres, la session de l'ASCO sur le cancer de la prostate a attiré la grande foule, notamment parce que Howard Scher venait présenter les premières réflexions du Prostate Cancer Working Group 3 sur la manière idéale de conduire les études cliniques dans le cancer de la prostate (1). Dans ce sens, STAMPEDE (2) et RTOG 0521 (3) ont apporté des informations de première main sur le mode de prise en charge des cancers métastatiques ou localement avancés, évoquant la possibilité d'un changement de paradigme.