"T" - Go To My Doctor:


Optimal Competitive Online Ray Search with an Tom Kamphans and Elmar Langetepe University of Bonn, Institute of Computer Science I omerstraße 164, 53117 Bonn, Germany Abstract. We consider the problem of finding a door along a wall witha blind robot that neither knows the distance to the door nor the direc-tion towards of the door. This problem can be solved with the well-known doubling strategy yielding an optimal competitive factor of 9with the assumption that the robot does not make any errors duringits movements. We study the case that the robot's movement is erro-neous. In this case the doubling strategy is no longer optimal. We presentoptimal competitive strategies that take the error assumption into ac-count.


Author's personal copy Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Hormones and Behavior 53 (2008) 192 – 199 Rapid effects of estradiol on male aggression depend on photoperiod in reproductively non-responsive mice Brian C. Trainor a,b,⁎, M. Sima Finy b, Randy J. Nelson b a Department of Psychology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA b Departments of Psychology and Neuroscience, Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA


Polypharmacy in adults over 50 in Ireland: Opportunities for cost saving and improved Polypharmacy in adults over 50 in Ireland: Opportunities for cost saving and improved healthcare Kathryn Richardson*, Patrick Moore*, Jure Peklar Rose Galvin, Kathleen Bennett, On behalf of the TILDA team


Hindawi Publishing CorporationBioMed Research InternationalVolume 2014, Article ID 121396, 7 pages Clinical StudyAlga Ecklonia bicyclis, Tribulus terrestris, and GlucosamineOligosaccharide Improve Erectile Function, Sexual Quality ofLife, and Ejaculation Function in Patients with ModerateMild-Moderate Erectile Dysfunction: A Prospective,Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Single-Blinded Study

2015_09_21 rapport fma coût ma

Septembre 2015 - N°9 Combien coûte la maladie d'Alzheimer ? Alain Bérard, Fondation Médéric Alzheimer, Directeur Adjoint Chloé Gervès, EA Management des Organisations de Santé - Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique Equipe CAPRI - Institut Gustave Roussy Boursière de la Fondation Médéric Alzheimer - 2010 Roméo Fontaine, Laboratoire d'économie de Dijon (LEDi – UMR 6307 – Université de Bourgogne – CNRS – U1200 Inserm), Fondation Médéric Alzheimer


European Journal of Heart Failure (2011) 13, 1028–1040doi:10.1093/eurjhf/hfr039 Which components of heart failure programmesare effective? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the outcomes of structured telephonesupport or telemonitoring as the primarycomponent of chronic heart failure managementin 8323 patients: Abridged Cochrane Review† Sally C. Inglis 1, Robyn A. Clark 2, Finlay A. McAlister 3, Simon Stewart 1,and John G.F. Cleland 4*


Banjos to biodiesel – linking products to photosynthesis Teaching notes Working in pairs/groups, students are given all the 'structure', 'use' and 'function' words all jumbled up together. They are asked to sort the words into three groups. Suggested groupings: Plant structures: bark, bulbs, corms, flowers, fruit, leaves, nuts, phloem, roots, seeds, sprouting seeds, stems, thorns, trunk, tubers, xylem.

Die schwangerschaft

Die Geburten meiner zwei Töchter – einmal ohne und einmal mit Traude. Kein Vergleich! BEL und Sophie Licht! Die Schwangerschaften Ich habe zwei gesunde Kinder (Sophie-Therese 2003, Amelie-Louise 2006) zur Welt gebracht und dennoch lässt sich dieses Kapitel ganz kurz halten: ich bin/war sehr gerne schwanger! Ich konnte es jedes Mal unheimlich genießen


I AM A NIKON COOLPIX I AM THE NIKON COOLPIX COMPACT DIGITAL CAMERA LINEUP Viewfinder pictured on the Coolpix Capture magic moments every day 16.2 MP 7.5 cm/3-in. 18.1 MP 42x 8cm/3.2-in. 12.2 MP 5x 7.5 cm/3-in. 18.1 MP 22x 7.5 cm/3-in. DX format


A Detailed Study of Vitamins & Minerals Written by G.Desmond and Learning Outcomes Name the key food sources of the given micronutrients Discuss the absorption and metabolism of dietary and supplemental sources of these micronutrients List the major nutrient-nutrient interactions these micronutrients Describe the metabolic functions and therapeutic uses of these

Nº cas 56-55-3. international chemical safety cards (who/ipcs/ilo)

Fichas Internacionales de Seguridad Química BENZO [a] ANTRACENO ICSC: 0385 BENZO a ANTRACENO 1,2-Benzoantraceno 2,3-Benzofenantreno Masa molecular: 228.3 Nº CAS 56-55-3 Nº RTECS CV9275000 Nº ICSC 0385 Nº NU 2811 PELIGROS/ SINTOMAS PRIMEROS AUXILIOS/ PELIGRO/ PREVENCION

Ionic liquids in photopolymerizable holographic materials

Ionic Liquids in Photopolymerizable Holographic Materials Hechun Lin and Peter W. de Oliveira INM – Leibniz Institute for New Materails, Campus D 2 2, Saarbruecken, 1. Introduction A variety of materials have been used to record hologram, such as silver halide emulsions, hardened dichromated gelatin, ferroelectric crystals, photochromics, photoresist, photodichroics and photopolymerizable materials [1-3]. Photopolymerizable holographic materials due to their low cost and dry processing have attracted great interest in academics and industry. They have broad applications in holographic memories, recording media, LCD displays, helmet-mounted display, optical interconnects, waveguide couples, holographic diffusers, laser eye protection devices, automotive lighting, and security holograms. The photopolymerizable holographic composite contains mainly a matrix binder, a photopolymerizable monomer, an initiator system, a plasticizer and additives [4-17]. Due to the inter diffusion of the unpolymerized monomers in a holographic film, areas with high and low refractive index are formed during the irradiation with an interference pattern. Many photopolymer systems have been developed including binary photopolymer composites, organic-inorganic nanocomposites, a hybrid organic-inorganic host consisting of porous glass, and a system using monomers capable of cationic ring-opening polymerization. The addition of a plasticizer or an additive can increase the refractive index modulation and the final diffraction efficiency. Monroe et al. reported that tri(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate, glyceryl tributyrate, polyethylene glycol or functional polyethylene glycol etc. as plasticizers may increase the refractive index modulation [18]. Frank recommended photopolymerizable compositions with triglycerides as additives, which provide a stable holographic material with high refractive index modulation [19]. Tucker et al. used trithiocarbonate as additive to increase the diffraction efficiency, uniformity and reproducibility in the formation of electrically switchable holographic gratings [20]. Finally, one publication reports about an additive to improve the sensitivity of photopolymerizable hologram material [21]. Ionic liquids are organic salts that are liquid at ambient temperatures, preferably at room temperature. They are nonvolatile, thermally and chemically stable, highly polar liquids, high ionic conductivity, large electrochemical window and ease of solubilization of a large organic molecules and transition metal complexes [22-25]. Applications of ionic liquids include their use in synthesis, catalysis, separation, electrochemistry, electrolytes, lubrication, biomass processing, drug delivery and others. The cations of ionic liquids are


AÑO XXXII Núm. 48 8 de marzo de 2013 III.- OTRAS DISPOSICIONES Y ACTOS Instituto de la Mujer de Castilla-La Mancha Resolución de 05/03/2013, del Instituto de la Mujer de Castilla-La Mancha, por la que se convoca el procedimiento de concesión del Distintivo de Excelencia en igualdad, conciliación y responsabilidad social empresarial


VETimpulse · 20. Jahrgang · Ausgabe 14 · 15. Juli 2011 Bulbusexstirpation am stehenden Pferd Geringere Blutungsneigung Fotos (3): Roeckl und bessere Sichtverhältnisse Die Risiken bei der Allgemeinanästhesie des Pferdes liegen trotz moderner Anästhetika und Überwachungsmetho- den bei über einem Prozent. Damit sind sie immer noch zehn- bis 100-fach höher als bei Hund, Katze und

Alendronat stada veckotablett 70mg tabl eng

SUMMARY OF PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT Osteomel Once Weekly 70 mg Tablets QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION Each tablet contains 70 mg alendronic acid (as sodium alendronate trihydrate). Excipients: each tablet contains 142.64 mg lactose monohydrate. For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Bsa troop 641 over the counter medication authorization

TROOP 505 OVER THE COUNTER (OTC) MEDICATION AUTHORIZATION This form authorizes registered adult leaders of Troop 505 of Naperville Illinois to dispense "over the counter" (non-prescription) medications to scouts under their supervision if in their judgment it is appropriate. Execution of this form is voluntary; however, under BSA policy, adult leaders are prohibited from


Fluoxetine for motor recovery after acute ischaemic stroke (FLAME): a randomised placebo-controlled trial François Chollet, Jean Tardy, Jean-François Albucher, Claire Thalamas, Emilie Berard, Catherine Lamy, Yannick Bejot, Sandrine Deltour, Assia Jaillard, Philippe Niclot, Benoit Guillon, Thierry Moulin, Philippe Marque, Jérémie Pariente, Catherine Arnaud, Isabelle Loubinoux

Minutes of regular meeting, august 18, 2004

PORT COSTA SANITARY COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 9, 2016 1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairperson Surges. Present were Commissioners Cusack, Mann and alt. Barassi, along with Dept. Manager Barnhill and General Manager McDonald. Mr. Guarnieri arrived at 7:05 PM. Mr. English was absent. 2. AGENDA ORDER: There were no requests to hear agenda items out of order.

Wanna buy some drugs.indd

Teacher Guide: Wanna Buy Some Drugs? Prior Knowledge Needed: An engaging introductory activity to the Pharmacogenomics module on the Genetic Science Learning Center website Materials:(http://gslc.genetics.utah.edu/units/phar- Student handouts, computers with Internet ma). Students complete a short reading access, prescription drug advertisements and briefl y research medicines to learn


Guidelines for management of thyroid cancer _ British Thyroid Association _ Royal College of Physicians _ 2006 Acknowledgements Grateful thanks a re expressed to the many reviewers of the guidelines; these included leading international experts in thyroid cancer, hospital specialists, primary care physicians and patients. They devoted much time and care to considering the document and their recommendations and suggestions for improvements were most valuable.

Influence of antihypertensive therapy on cerebral perfusion in patients with metabolic syndrome: relationship with cognitive function and 24‐h arterial blood pressure monitoring

ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Influence of Antihypertensive Therapy on Cerebral Perfusion inPatients with Metabolic Syndrome: Relationship with CognitiveFunction and 24-h Arterial Blood Pressure Monitoring Nataliya Y. Efimova,1,2 Vladimir I. Chernov,1,2 Irina Y. Efimova1 & Yuri B. Lishmanov1,2 1 Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution, Research Institute for Cardiology, Tomsk, Russia2 National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia

Quintessenz journals

RANDOMISED CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIAL Marco Esposito, Carlo Barausse, Roberto Pistilli, Vittorio Checchi, Michele Diazzi, Maria Rosaria Gatto, Pietro Felice Posterior jaws rehabilitated with partial prostheses supported by 4.0 x 4.0 mm or by longer implants: Four-month post-loading data from a randomised Marco Esposito, DDS, PhDFreelance researcher and Associated Professor, Department of Biomaterials,


Osteoporos Int (2014) 25:205–210DOI 10.1007/s00198-013-2453-z Comparison of hip fracture and osteoporosis medicationprescription rates across Canadian provinces R. G. Crilly & M. Kloseck & B. Chesworth & S. Mequanint &E. Sadowski & J. Gilliland Received: 2 April 2013 / Accepted: 14 June 2013 / Published online: 2 August 2013 # International Osteoporosis Foundation and National Osteoporosis Foundation 2013


Role of Olivary Electrical Couplingin Cerebellar Motor Learning Ruben S. Van Der Giessen,Sebastiaan K. Koekkoek,Stijn van Jornt R. De Gruijl,Alexander Cupido,Sara Bjorn Kerstin Wellershaus,Joachim Degen,Jim Deuchars,Elke C. Fuchs,Hannah Monyer,Klaus Marcel T.G. De and Chris I. De ,1Department of Neuroscience, Erasmus MC, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands2Institute of Genetics, Division of Molecular Genetics, University of Bonn, 53117 Bonn, Germany3Institute of Membrane and Systems Biology, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT Leeds, UK4Department of Clinical Neurobiology, Interdisciplinary Center for Neuroscience, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany5Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), 1105 BA Amsterdam, The Netherlands6These authors contributed equally to this work.*Correspondence: DOI 10.1016/j.neuron.2008.03.016


Peltier et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2011, 8:22http://www.jissn.com/content/8/1/22 Effects of carbohydrates-BCAAs-caffeine ingestion on performance and neuromuscular function during a 2-h treadmill run: a randomized, double- blind, cross-over placebo-controlled studySébastien L Peltier1*, Lucile Vincent2, Guillaume Y Millet3, Pascal Sirvent4, Jean-Benoît Morin3, Michel Guerraz5,André Geyssant3, Jean-François Lescuyer1, Léonard Feasson3 and Laurent Messonnier2


Digital Mug Press Table of Contents Congratulations on your purchase of the DK3 Digital Mug Press! This heat press machine has many exciting features, all of which aremeant to help make your heat transfer pressing endeavors as successfuland easy as possible. Please take the time now to thoroughly readthrough this manual to become acquainted with them. It will explainsome key features, concepts and methods that will save much timeand effort in using this press and in your heat pressing applications.

Microsoft word - the trans nzoia finance final copy

2014 Trans Nzoia County Finance THE TRANS NZOIA COUNTY FINANCE ACT No. 5 of 2014 Date of Assent: 11th February, 2015 Date of Commencement: 16th February, 2015 ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS PART I—PRELIMINARY 1—Short title and commencement. 2—Interpretation. PART II—CHARGES, LINCENSE FEES, RENT,


Does Using Behavioural Prompts in Pre-Populated Tax Forms Affect Compliance? Results From an Artefactual Field Experiment With Real University of Exeter University of Exeter Discussion Paper: 015-15 Does using behavioural prompts in pre-populated tax forms affect compliance? Results from an artefactual field experiment with real taxpayers* Miguel A. Fonseca and Shaun B. Grimshaw


On the Unethical Nature of Routine Infant Circumcision Brenton J. Priest Date: June 8, 2012 David Wendell Moller, Ph.D., Chair and Professor Department of Bioethics Dane R. Sommer, D. Min., M. Div., Faculty Advisor A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts in Bioethics in the Department of Bioethics of the College of Biosciences at

Acupuncture and depression

ACUPUNCTURE AND DEPRESSION About depression Depression is a common mental health problem that affects people of all genders, ages, and backgrounds. About two thirds of adults will at some time experience depression severe enough to interfere with their normal activities (Mintel/YouGov, 2006, Stewart et al, 2004). Women are twice as likely as men to become depressed (Stewart et al, 2004) partly due to hormone changes occurring pre-menstrually, at menopause, during pregnancy or after childbirth. Depression is estimated to cost the UK £7.5 billion a year in medication, benefits and lost working days (McCrone et al, 2008). The World Health Organization predicts that by 2020 depression will be second only to chronic heart disease as an international health burden (WHO, 2008).

Diabète type 2 principes de ttt

CONSEILS ET PRINCIPES DE TRAITEMENT POUR UN DIABÈTE DE TYPE 2 Le diabète est une maladie chronique, il n'y a pas de « petit - Les ongles doivent être coupés régulièrement en diabète ». C'est une maladie qui expose à des complications évitant toute blessure (préférer des soins de pédicurie +++). Ne mettez pas vos pieds en danger : ne marchez pas pieds nus,


International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (2013), 63, 893–899 Pseudonocardia antitumoralis sp. nov., adeoxynyboquinone-producing actinomyceteisolated from a deep-sea sediment Xin-Peng Tian,1 Li-Juan Long,1 Su-Mei Li,1 Jing Zhang,1 Ying Xu,2Jie He,2 Jie Li,1 Fa-Zuo Wang,1 Wen-Jun Li,2 Chang-Sheng Zhang1and Si Zhang1 1Key Laboratory of Marine Bio-resources Sustainable Utilization, CAS; RNAM Center for Marine


tce CHEMENGERS WHO CHANGED THE WORLD EFINING, reactor design, bulk plastics – the kind of world- " no one initially realised that progesterone, changing developments featured especially when combined with oestrogen, thus far in this series include many of the stereotypical activities one would imagine

Tocotrienols, the vitamin e of the 21st century: its potential against cancer and other chronic diseases

Contents lists available at Biochemical Pharmacology Tocotrienols, the vitamin E of the 21st century: Its potential against cancer andother chronic diseases Bharat B. Aggarwal Chitra Sundaram, Seema Prasad, Ramaswamy Kannappan Cytokine Research Laboratory, Department of Experimental Therapeutics, The University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Boulevard, Box 143, Houston,TX 77030, USA


TRENDS in Microbiology Vol.13 No.12 December 2005 Towards a comprehensive viewof the bacterial cell wall Boris Dmitriev1, Filip Toukach2 and Stefan Ehlers3 1N.F. Gamaleya Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Gamaleya str. 18, Moscow 123098, Russia2N.D. Zelinsky Institute for Organic Chemistry, Leninsky Prosp. 33, Moscow 119991, Russia3Division of Molecular Infection Biology, Research Center Borstel, Parkallee 22, D-23845 Borstel, Germany


Flexible Spending Account (FSA) • Significant savings• 24/7 web access• Fast, efficient, convenient• The benefit that benefits everyone A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Estimate Your Expenses: is an employee benefit plan established under IRC You can maximize your FSA account by planning Section 125 that allows you to pay for everyday health ahead carefully and using this helpful tool. You
